The 2021 edition took place from 3 to 6 June with 24 performances in five theatres: Auditorio de Tenerife, Espacio La Granja, Paraninfo de la ULL, Teatro Guimerá and the stage space of the Centro de Arte La Recova.
The FAM Special 2020 Editiontook place during July, September, October, and December. It was scheduled for June 2020, but the 10th festival edition had to reinvent itself due to the health crisis and extended its length to cover the sector’s needs. The organisers were especially sensitive to the work of artist-in-residences. The creators benefited from the assistance offered by the Tenerife Island Council for professional stage productions.
Although it was foreseen to end the programme in December, the Island Council continued to support the Canary Island's dance along January 2021. The new proposals are currently being developed through in-residences and productions which will be exhibited within the FAM programme in the near future.