Teatro en la Escuela: The deadline for applications is open for performing arts companies and musical ensembles

The catalogue with the selected shows and processes will be offered to the island's schools for the 2024-2025 school year.
Theatre, dance, movement art companies and music groups on the island can now register for the new edition of "Teatro en la Escuela" (Theatre at School). The programme by the Auditorio de Tenerife and the Island Council's Culture Area will select the registered projects and create a catalogue with which the educational centres can apply for performances or creative processes to work with their students during the 2024-2025 school year.
The rules of this programme organised by the Educational and Social Area of the Auditorio de Tenerife can now be checked on the website https://auditoriodetenerife.com/es/educativa-y-social/teatro-en-la-escuela. Theatre, dance and movement arts companies, contemporary circus, performance and live arts, as well as other forms linked to the performing and musical arts, must present their projects for shows or creative processes in the form of a file and accompanied by a teaching guide tailored to the age of the pupils it is aimed at, which can be for preschool, primary, secondary, baccalaureate education, and training cycles. The registration period ends on 21 June.
One of the new features is that specific topics are included in the projects presented. These may be representations or processes linked to multiculturalism, interculturality and the objectives of some of the Unesco Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) mentioned in the principles, such as promoting mental health or eliminating gender disparity.
An assessment committee will undertake the selection based on the criteria established in these rules, following the principles of objectivity, competition, and advertising, guaranteeing the transparency of all the actions carried out to select them.
This ninth edition begins in October 2024 and runs until June 2025, coinciding with the school year. The objectives of this programme notably include making students aware of performing and musical languages in their educational context, as well as providing access to and disseminating the performing and music arts among pupils on the island. On the other hand, it is important to link academic aspects to the professional context of performing and musical arts in Tenerife.
Thus, another of the goals is to encourage values focused on dance and movement arts, relating to art, health, the body, and movement, linked to the artistic discipline of dance in a cross-cutting and cross-disciplinary way. Enriching and diversifying communicative, expressive, and creative possibilities through musical language is also included.
Encouraging the all-around development of students through arts and creating the foundations to encourage the socialisation of students within the school space through cultural activities are other aims of this initiative which is celebrating its ninth consecutive year.