Training for trainers

Health and creation for the training of trainers
A 'Danza en Comunidad' project aimed at nurturing and exchanging wellbeing and creativity. For all those people who regularly work with the groups and communities we have worked with and for those who are willing to experience this exchange. We aim to establish dialogues between the person who participates considering how that person contributes and how we can contribute to that person's movement capacity.
Our proposal puts a special emphasis on the subject "Performing Arts" that is taught in the 4th year of the Compulsory Secondary Education (ESO in Spain).
- Participant's profile: professionals in social education, psychology, carers, facilitators, accompaniment, members of the educational community, working groups, etc.
To choose between:
Health and wellbeing: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - morning or afternoon sessions.
Creations: Tuesdays and Thursdays - morning or afternoon sessions.
From 10 May to 4 June in Centro Cultural El Portezuelo, Tegueste.
Register for free! Use this form.
Any doubts? Write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
How do we understand health?
"The subjective feeling of health is the feeling of pleasure received from the body, which sometimes reaches a degree of joy. It is in such states that we feel a connection with the whole world." (Alexander Lowen)
How the body shows vividness: the eyes shine, warm colour of skin and body, a spontaneous expression, body vigour and graceful movements. The eyes and the glance are particularly important." (Alexander Lowen)
How do we understand creation?
"A place to nurture, to play, to blatantly communicate each one's sensitive field through movement."
"The time to discover each one's creative and intrinsic side to expand it and share it."
"A genuine transfer of collective landscapes that move from the inner to the universal world."
"To experience the own movement with time and space."