The Danza en Comunidad project encourages social integration

Cabildo de Tenerife has started the fifth Danza en Comunidad project, which encourages the integration of different social groups through artistic processes. Their first meeting took place at Auditorio de Tenerife where they revealed the main details of the lines of work this learning and social project will develop during the year.
The managing director of Auditorio de Tenerife, Daniel Cerezo, and the coordinator of Danza en Comunidad, Laura Marrero, welcomed the participants and thank them for taking part in the scheme, which grows every year as evidenced by the fact it only included two groups when it started as a pilot project five years ago, and now takes in 21 different communities.
For this fifth year, the following associations have joined in: Asociación Aldis, Asociación Orobal, from Los Cristianos, Casa de Acogida Madre del Redentor, from El Sauzal. Decentralization of cultural activities like this, which spread across the Island, is one of the aims of the project, which is part of the Cabildo de Tenerife 2030 Strategy. Danza en Comunidad has three collaborating artistic communities: Teatro Victoria (Santa Cruz de Tenerife), Festival Cuadernos Escénicos (Garachico) and Escuela de Actores de Canarias (Santa Cruz de Tenerife), which contribute with meetings, venues and professionals.
Danza en Comunidad, where experts Raquel Jara, Carmen Macías, Cristina Hernández and Laura Marrero take part, is one of the three parts of Tenerife Danza, and it includes learning and artistic areas. The method used is to start with meetings on theoretical issues to then go on to practical sessions which end up in a show put on by the members of the group. Every group has its own action line. The idea is “for them to share with us the full experience of a dance professional”, Laura Marrero explains.
The project, which continues throughout the year, allows people who start dancing through these groups, to take part individually in the following seasons by attending weekly meetings at Auditorio de Tenerife.