The III Foro La pedagogía se mueve looks into dance in education at Auditorio de Tenerife this weekend

Auditorio de Tenerife organises this weekend the III Foro La Pedagogía se mueve [3rd Pedagogy Moves Forum], through the Festival Internacional de las Artes del Movimiento FAM, which started this morning, Friday, the 8th with the participative workshop Diversidad actual [Current Diversity] by the Centro Coreográfico de La Gomera. You can still enrol for free via the website or coming to Auditorio de Tenerife directly.
The forum, whose motto this year is Ser cuerpo [Being a Body], provides a space to reflect and participate from the perspective of dance and movement art pedagogy. The intention is to offer a space for dialogue where specific creative ideas and proposals can be contributed in addition to working on the possibility of including and making the most of them in all the spheres of education.
The forum coordinator, Helena Berthelius, welcomed the fifty participants, and told them that “we wish to practise the theory and theorise the practice of what we do at the forum”. “The idea is to enrich contemporary education with formal and non-formal tools and get movement to be present in classrooms”, Berthelius added. Regarding the motto, the expert explained that “we needed to go back to the origins and remember that we are bodies”.
One of the goals of the event is to find common ground, a conjunction of new approaches and achieve creative synergies. The forum is aimed at teachers, educational and cultural agents, pedagogues, communities, artists, associations, students and other people who are interested in the topics being dealt with.
Talks and workshops will go on tomorrow, Saturday, the 9th and will end on Sunday, the 10th with the show CloseEnough by Swedish company ZebraDans at Teatro Leal in La Laguna, which is part of the programme of the Festival de Artes Escénicas Telón Tenerife.
Among other activities, there will be a talk by Lisa Spets and My Gren, members of ZebraDans, who will share with us their experience of teaching dance since 1999 plus a practical workshop entitled ¿Cómo crear espacios de diálogo en el ámbito de la danza y las artes en movimiento?[How to create spaces for dialogue in the sphere of dance and the movement arts]