The Auditorio de Tenerife brings together performing arts companies and public and private programmers

The Cabildo organised today, Friday the 15th, the fourth Tenerife Artes Escénicas event that brings together the companies, distributors, plus public and private programmers that make up the network of venues and shows. Cabildo de Tenerife’s island director of Culture, Leopoldo Santos, and the artistic director of the Auditorio de Tenerife, José Luis Rivero, welcomed those present at the meeting.
Leopoldo Santos said that the Office he leads intends to go on holding these meetings in order to “listen to and make decisions by consensus and based on the evidence rather than just on good intentions”. “Our concepts may be different but through intellectual humbleness we’ll seek common ideas to understand the other’s reality. These meeting will only be successful when people not only come to them but also share their doubts and build common paths to follow”, the island’s head of culture stated.
José Luis Rivero specified that “these meeting were set up following the changes that took place in the circuit, which is more like a network” and said clearly that “the Cabildo acts as a mediator of this meeting between the different parties with the agreement of the sector’s professional associations, Réplica and PiedeBase, with whom we have agreed to find the right formula to communicate in a way that is useful to everyone”.
The meeting was attended by some fifteen town councils and tens of companies and programmers. The call is still open for town councils to forward their applications to Tenerife Artes Escénicas 2020. Please see all the information on the website
Tenerife Artes Escénicas is a Cabildo de Tenerife’s programme which is carried out jointly through the Auditorio de Tenerife, Town Councils and public and private venues across the island with the aim to develop administrative, financial and technical coordination strategies in order to offer a quality artistic programme. It functions as a mechanism that coordinates and manages the programme of activities to encourage people in general to join stage and musical events.
The meeting is part of the professional activities organised by the Festival de Artes Escénicas Telón Tenerife that have taken place at the Auditorio de Tenerife with different public and private institutions.