Tenerife philharmonic orchestra stages “Peter and the wolf” show for schoolchildren

The first concert took place in the Symphony Hall and was attended by 3rd and 4th year Primary Education pupils
Auditorio de Tenerife is a cultural space linked to the Department of Culture of Tenerife Island Council that is managed by the councillor of Culture Enrique Arriaga, hosted the first concert for schoolchildren since the lockdown last March. Tenerife Philharmonic Orchestra staged the show “Peter and the Wolf”.
Directed by José Antonio Cubas Delgado, twenty musicians and eight actors performed a musical tale under the strict control of the safety measures implemented by Auditorio de Tenerife, for the entry into the hall of the children, the stage performers and the performance of the show.
“The orchestra is a family”, announced one of the narrators before beginning to present the string, woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Each instrument represented one of the characters: the bird, the duck, the hunters, the wolf and Peter himself, the main character of the story. The role of the concertmaster and that of the conductor were also explained to the children before they delved into the musical story.
The pupils -always maintaining social distancing- interacted with the show by answering the questions of the narrators, asking questions and looking around the entire hall to find the evil wolf.
Thus, learning about the families of instruments, how to distinguish them and classify them were some of the aims set by this educational project. These concepts were conveyed to pupils through the creative process entailed by a concert created specially to teach small children through music.
The pupils that visited Auditorio de Tenerife came from the Nursery and Primary Schools Miguel Pintor González, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Melchor Núñez Tejera and Punta del Hidalgo, de La Laguna. Beforehand, the schools received teaching activities to complement the show. In view of the circumstances, these materials were created online in order to facilitate access for all pupils.
The contingency plan against Covid-19 of Auditorio de Tenerife was the first one certified by AENOR for an auditorium. This certification allows the Auditorium to carry out its programme completely safely. Measuring temperature, constant cleaning and disinfection, renewal of air and the obligatory and constant use of masks are just some of the measures implemented. All of the measures can be consulted on our website www.auditoriodetenerife.com.
Next concert for pupils and social collectives is titled "A (musical) river runs through it" and it will take place next week with Tenerife Symphony Orchestra. A family concert will be held next Saturday [6th] at 12:00.