Fourteen shows comprise Theatre at School catalogue for next year

For the seventh edition the proposals can be scheduled by schools on the island from October until June.
Auditorio de Tenerife presents catalogue of seventh edition of Theatre at School programme. There are fourteen proposals including theatre, oral narration, music and dance on offer for schools on the island during the 2022-2023 academic year. The period for submitting requests is now open and ends on 30 September.
The new edition of this activity by the Educational and Social Department of the Auditorio is presenting its proposals, ranging from shows to creative processes, which include teaching guides so that teachers can work in the classroom and thus optimise the educational possibilities of the programme.
The fourteen shows, selected by a committee of experts, are divided according to educational level: Pre-School, Primary and Secondary Education and Baccalaureate and training cycles. Information for schools about the process for requesting works can be found in the catalogue itself, available here.
For Pre-School, La más bonita (The most beautiful) by puppet company Bolina Títeres, Quien siembra palabras recoge cuentos y cantos (Those who sow words reap stories and songs) by Silvia Torrents, Cuando la ciudad duerme (When the city is asleep) by Contando Ando & Co. and El vagamundos (The vagabond) by El Wije Producciones are on offer. As for Primary, The Pestoff by Clownbaret, Indomable (Indomable) by puppet company Tragaluz Teatro de Títeres, Cuentos con ritmo y sabor (Tales with rhythm and flavour) by Samantha Moreno, Los secretos de mi paraguas (The secrets of my umbrella) by Antonio Conejo and Brandira, the creative process of Milagrosa Torres have been selected.
The shows chosen for Secondary are uNpACKAGING by ziREjA, Entre burlas y veras (Half-jokingly) by Teatro Tamaska and Superbia by Ariadna Simó-Mandrágora Lab. Lastly, ¡Valientes! (Brave) by Burka Teatro and Manos mojadas (Wet Hands) by Mon Peraza are the proposals for Baccalaureate and training cycles.
The program 'Theatre at School' aims to promote stage and musical languages to students within their own educational context link academic aspects to the professional context of performing arts in the Canaries, laying the foundations to encourage the socialisation of students within the school space, through cultural activities, and in turn promote the all-round development of pupils, as the companies stage works adapted to curricular needs.
Other objectives involve integrating other artistic languages associated with literature, using gestures and the voice through the use of poetic and narrative texts as dramatic expression. Lastly, the aim is for pupils to discover authors and their texts while analysing their structure.