Lava Compañía de danza

Lava Compañía de Danza, a resident company at Auditorio de Tenerife, was set up in 2018 with the aim of focusing on contemporary dance. It concentrates on building a repertoire of works by renowned international artists.
It was founded with Tenerife dancer and creator Daniel Abreu (Premio Nacional de Danza 2014) as artistic director and dancer Dácil González (Premio Nacional de Danza 2019), as assistant director plus Auditorio de Tenerife’s team.
Six dancers with a strong presence on the stage, technically sound and versatile bring to life creations that share a contemporary dance language and other codes of today’s art discourse. Physicality, content and commitment.
The company’s repertoire includes works by Fernando Hernando Magadan, Roy Assaf, Dongkyu Kim, Paloma Hurtado, La Intrusa or Daniel Abreu, which are all original, top-quality, impeccable works.
These pieces enrichen and go along with the curiosity of the existing wide audience while also draw new audiences through the experience provided by dance and its context.
Daniel Abreu – Lava’s Artistic Director
He was born in Tenerife (Spain), where he started his training in contemporary and classical dance, which he furthered with a number of teachers and choreographers. As a performer, he has worked in different and dance and theatre companies; as a creator, he has wide creative experience shaped by more than sixty productions which have been put on in more than 30 countries to critic and audience acclaim, in addition to winning different awards. This has led him to become an outstanding choreographer.
The different awards received throughout his career include Premio Nacional de Danza 2014 [National Dance Award] in the creation category, awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.
At the 2018 Premios Max [Max Awards] all eyes were on him as he took the Premio al Mejor Espectáculo de Danza [Best Dance Show Award], Premio a la Mejor Coreografía [Best Choreography Award] and Premio al Mejor Intérprete Masculino de Danza [Best Male Dance Performer] for his work La Desnudez. His latest work, Abisal, created for Lava Compañía de Danza was awarded with the Premios Réplica for Mejor Espectáculo [Best Show], Mejor Espacio Sonoro [] and Mejor Costume [Best Costume]. Other awards received include Premio a la Mejor Dirección [Best Director] at the 2010 INDIFESTIVAL in Santander; the Premio del Jurado a la Coreografía [Jury’s Award for Choreography] at the XVIII Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid (2005); the Premio Fundación AISGE [AISGE Foundation Award] to an outstanding dancer to attend the American Dance Festival (2005) received at the XVIII Certamen Coreográfico de Madrid (2005) and the mention as Bailarín más Destacado [Most Outstanding Dancer] at the IV Certamen Coreográfico de Maspalomas (1999).
In 2015 he was appointed Hijo Predilecto [Honorary Citizen] by the Ilustre Ayuntamiento de la Matanza de Acentejo [Town Council], Tenerife.
Apart from directing his own company, in 2018 he was appointed artistic director of LAVA Compañía de Danza, Auditorio de Tenerife resident company.
Auditorio de Tenerife‘s Sala Sinfónica will also welcome a revival of ´Bending the Walls´
Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural venue under the Cabildo de Tenerife’s Department of Culture led by councillor Enrique Arriaga, premieres Kick the bucket on Sunday, the 6th at 8:30 pm. This new piece in the repertoire of Lava Compañía de Danza is penned by choreographer Iván Pérez. Fernando Hernando Magadan’s Bending the Walls will also be performed. This show is part of the Special 2020 Festival de las Artes del Movimiento FAM.
Kick the bucket is a duet by creator Iván Pérez, artistic director of Dance Theater Heidelberg (Germany), adapted for Lava Compañía de Danza, a project of Auditorio de Tenerife. Physicality and emotion come together in this piece that is performed by dancers Amanda Rubio and Emiliana Battista Marino.
Fernando Hernando Magadan’s Bending the Walls comes next. An exploration of the world of restrictions and limitations in the search for happiness, freedom and understanding. Through this piece, the physical and psychological limits of the individual and the surrounding world are explored. It is a metaphor about the psychological, physical, and emotional forces human beings can approach in order to reach beyond palpable reality, overcome sorrow and escape into the world of the imagination.
Tickets can be booked via the website
and by telephone on 902 317 327 Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays. You can also make an appointment to come to the box office on
and on 922 568 625, where they can also answer all your queries Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm, except holidays.
Audience members are kindly asked to come to Auditorio early enough to enter the theatre gradually. On buying the tickets, users accept the measures implemented at this Cabildo cultural centre to tackle COVID-19, such as wearing a face mask or coming only with people you live with. The full measures and the AENOR-certified contingency plan are available on Auditorio’s website. Both the GastroMag and the car park are open to the public.
After performing in Barcelona and Málaga Auditorio de Tenerife’s company closes their autumn tour in A Coruña on Friday
Lava, the dance company of Auditorio de Tenerife, under the Cabildo de Tenerife’s Department of Culture run by councillor Enrique Arriaga, will be in Valencia and A Coruña this week to end their autumn tour. The Canarian company will perform Beyond and Bending the Walls at 9:30 pm at the Teatro Principal de Valencia to open the Dansa València, the Instituto Valenciano de Cultura dance festival. They will be on the stage of the Teatro Rosalía de Castro in A Coruña on Friday, the 13th.
After visiting Barcelona and Málaga, Valencia is Lava’s next destination where they will open the Dansa València 2020. The festival was originally scheduled for March but had to be postponed due to the health crisis. Lava will close their autumn tour in A Coruña on Friday, 13 November. They will perform their double programme in the Teatro Rosalía de Castro at 8:30 pm as part of the venue’s regular contemporary dance programme. Dancers performing in the Lava tour include Fabiana Mangialardi, Emiliana Battista Marino, Amanda Rubio, Javier de la Asunción, Javier Arozena, and Adrián Díaz.
Bending the Walls, by choreographer Fernando Hernando Magadan, is an exploration of the world of restrictions and limitations in the search for happiness, freedom and understanding. The piece explores the physical and psychological limits of the individual and the world around them. It is a metaphor about the psychological, physical, and emotional forces human beings can approach in order to reach beyond palpable reality, overcome sorrow and escape into the world of the imagination.
Beyond, by Virginia García and Damián Muñoz of La intrusa, deals with the experience of searching through the emotional landscapes of memory, presenting a scenario of uncertainty that forces us to constantly create or reflect on our own life journey, on the landscape that every individual, consciously or fortuitously, gradually builds.
Lava Compañía de Danza is an Auditorio de Tenerife project that was set up in 2018 with Tenerife dancer and creator Daniel Abreu (Premio Nacional de Danza 2014) as artistic director. The company has a special interest in contemporary dance, and it focuses on building a repertoire of works by renowned international artists.
Six dancers with a strong presence on the stage, technically sound and versatile bring to life creations that share a contemporary dance language and other codes of today’s art discourse.
Auditorio de Tenerife’s dance company starts their Spanish tour that includes Barcelona, Málaga, Valencia and A Coruña
Lava, Auditorio de Tenerife’s dance company, will visit several Spanish cities this autumn with their double programme Bending the Walls, by choreographer Fernando Hernando Magadan, and Beyond, by Virginia García and Damián Muñoz of La intrusa. Their first engagement is at the Sant Andreu Teatre SAT in Barcelona where Lava is performing today, Thursday the 22nd at 8:30 pm as part of the Catalonian theatre’s 2020/2021 dance season.
The tour of the dance company of Auditorio, a cultural venue under the Cabildo de Tenerife’s Department of Culture run by councillor Enrique Arriaga, is taking place in October and November. Barcelona, Málaga, Valencia and A Coruña will welcome Lava, that started rehearsing on 12 October at Auditorio’s Sala Castillo meeting all the safety and hygiene measures. “The participation of Auditorio de Tenerife’s company in this national tour is a very interesting platform to consolidate their project”, the Cabildo’s councillor of culture Enrique Arriaga pointed out. He also said that “even with the restrictions and at the difficult time culture is going through, we wish to support participations that reinforce the work of projects like our company’s on stages where they can show their work”.
The autumn tour goes on next Monday, the 26th at 8:00 pm at the Teatro Cervantes in Málaga, where Lava will take part in the Festival Danza Málaga 2020. On 10th November, the Canarian dance company will reach Valencia to perform at the city’s Teatro Principal at 10:00 pm. This time they are included in the programme of the 2020 Ciclo Dansa València that should have been held in March but had to be put off due to the health crisis.
A Coruña is the last destination of Lava’s autumn tour. On 13 November they will dance their double programme at the Teatro Rosalía de Castro at 8:30 pm as part of the venue’s contemporary dance regular programme. The dancers taking part in the tour are Fabiana Mangialardi, Emiliana Battista Marino, Amanda Rubio, Javier de la Asunción, Javier Arozena and Adrián Díaz.
Bending the Walls is an exploration of the world of restrictions and limitations in the search for happiness, freedom and understanding. Through this piece, the physical and psychological limits of the individual and the surrounding world are explored. It is a metaphor about the psychological, physical, and emotional forces human beings can approach in order to reach beyond palpable reality, overcome sorrow and escape into the world of the imagination.
Beyond deals with the experience of searching through the emotional landscapes of memory, presenting a scenario full of uncertainties, which forces us to create or reflect on our own life and on the landscape every individual shapes for themselves either consciously or unconsciously.
Lava Compañía de Danza is a project of Auditorio de Tenerife that was set up in 2018, under the artistic direction of Tenerife-born dancer and creator Daniel Abreu (Premio Nacional de Danza 2014), to boost contemporary creation. It focuses on building a repertoire of works by renowned international artists.
The six dancers have a strong stage presence, are technically proficient and versatile to bring creations to life that share contemporary dance language plus other codes of the current artistic discourse. Physicality, poetry, and commitment. These pieces have already attracted a wide audience and are creating new ones through the experience of dance and its context.
The dance company resident at Auditorio de Tenerife Lava Compañía de Danza is performing at 6:30 pm tomorrow, Wednesday the 22nd at MADferia, the performing arts fair held at Matadero Madrid. Also, on Saturday, the 25th the group led by Daniel Abreu (Premio Nacional de Danza 2014) is travelling to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria’s Teatro Guiniguada where they will perform the choreography Beyond at 8:30 pm.
At MADferia, the performing arts fair that has been held in Madrid every year since 2004, Lava will dance their latest double programme, which was put on in December 2019. The show was purposefully created for the company while two internationally renowned choreographers were staying on the island: Israeli Roy Assaf and South Korean Dongkyu Kim.
Dongkyu Kim, who worked on the island with his assistants Nara Yoon and Jiho Jang, also a composer, says that “we all make our own sound”. That’s why in Yalacha “sound doesn’t come from the mouth but from life: I live my own life and I make my own sound through the sound of others but, what sound do you make? he wonders. The piece is part of the Jisoo Gook Laboratory Dance Project
For his part, Roy Assaf -who had the assistance of associate artist Ariel Freedman- advises “while watching Hush I encourage you to ignore the unswerving temptation of seeking for the plot; refuse the stubborn need to understand, trust your instinct -being honest and sincere about it- and follow your tender heart, that has a great capacity for imagination”.
MADferia combines the exhibition of the latest performing arts creations in the country with activities related to reflection and providing a meeting point for professionals. It is organised by ARTEMAD Asociación de Empresas Productoras de Artes Escénicas de Madrid and is a member of COFAE Coordinadora de Ferias y Artes Escénicas del Estado español.
Beyond is one of the earliest pieces in Lava’s repertoire and it was premiered in December 2018. It has been chosen to open the annual dance programme of the Teatro Guiniguada, which is run by the Government of the Canary Islands.
It was created by La intrusa’s Virginia García and Damián Muñoz, Premio Nacional de Danza 2015, who worked with the Lava dancers in the autumn of 2018. Beyond deals with the experience of searching through the emotional landscapes of memory, presenting a scenario full of uncertainties, which forces us to create or reflect on our own life and on the landscape every individual shapes for themselves either consciously or unconsciously.
Lava Compañía de Danza is a company resident at Auditorio de Tenerife, a cultural centre under the Cabildo de Tenerife. It was set up in 2018 as a result of the commitment with contemporary creation. It focuses on developing a repertoire of works by internationally renowned artists.
Its artistic director from the start has been Tenerife-born dancer and creator Daniel Abreu (Premio Nacional de Danza 2014) with Dácil González (Premio Nacional de Danza 2019) as assistant director plus Auditorio de Tenerife’s team.
Six dancers with a strong presence on the stage, technically sound and versatile bring the creations to life. The different choreographies share a contemporary dance language and other codes of today’s artistic discourse. Physicality, poetry and commitment.
The company’s repertoire includes works by Fernando Magadan, Roy Assaf, Dongkyu Kim, Paloma Hurtado, La Intrusa or Daniel Abreu, which are high quality, original pieces beautifully put together.
These pieces enrichen and share the curiosity of the existing audience while engaging new audiences through the experience of dance and its context.
Lava is performing their new double programme at Teatro Pérez Galdós at 8:00 pm on Thursday, the 5th. The dance company will put onstage two original creations that were premiered at Auditorio de Tenerife’s Sala Sinfónica last Sunday. They are the work of two choreographers of international scope: Yalacha, by Korean Dongkyu Kim and Hush, by Israeli Roy Assaf.
Both creators were invited by the company’s artistic director, Daniel Abreu (Premio Nacional de Danza 2014), to work with the dancers who currently make up Lava’s dance troupe: Emiliana Battista Marino, Fabiana Mangialardi, Virgina Martín, Paula Parra, Alicia Pirez and Amanda Rubio, who were selected through public notice. These pieces have been expressly created for the group resident at Auditorio de Tenerife.
This programme, which is now travelling to Gran Canaria with tickets on sale on, displays the versatility and strength of creation for international dance. Israel and South Korea are the countries currently leading the international arena of contemporary dance thanks to their great creativity and command.
Daniel Abreu explains that "turning to these places led us to Roy Assaf’s talent, with his peculiar use of body gestures and the deep, clear message conveyed; on the other hand, Dongkyu Kim is accurate regarding the body and shows quality in movement; his works convey strength, impetus and an interesting questioning of everything human".
Roy Assaf’s advice is that “while seeing Hush I encourage you to ignore the unswerving temptation of seeking for the plot; refuse the stubborn need to understand, trust your instinct -being honest and sincere about it- and follow your tender heart, that has a great capacity for imagination”.
Dongkyu Kim, who has worked on the island with his assistants Nara Yoon and Jiho Jang, also a composer, says that “we all make our own sound”. That’s why in Yalacha “sound doesn’t come from the mouth but from life: I live my own life and I make my own sound through the sound of others but, what sound do you make? he wonders. The piece is part of the Jisoo Gook Laboratory Dance Project.
At 7:00 pm on Sunday in Auditorio de Tenerife’s Sala Sinfónica, the Festival de Artes Escénicas Telón Tenerife presents the premiere of the new double programme by Lava Compañía de Danza, that includes two original creations by choreographers of international scope: Hush, by Israeli Roy Assaf, and Yalacha, by Korean Dongkyu Kim.
Both creators were invited by the company’s artistic director, Daniel Abreu (Premio Nacional de Danza 2014), to work with the dancers who currently make up Lava’s dance troupe: Emiliana Battista Marino, Fabiana Mangialardi, Virgina Martín, Paula Parra, Alicia Pirez and Amanda Rubio, who were selected through public notice. These pieces have been expressly created for the group resident at Auditorio de Tenerife.
Tickets can be purchased at Auditorio de Tenerife’s box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm Monday to Saturday except on holidays; via the websites and or calling 902 317 327. On the day of the show, the box office will be opened two hours before the event starts.
This programme displays the versatility and strength of creation for international dance. Israel and South Korea are the countries currently leading the international arena of contemporary dance thanks to their great creativity and command. Daniel Abreu explains that "turning to these places led us to Roy Assaf’s talent, with his peculiar use of body gestures and the deep clear message conveyed; on the other hand, Dongkyu Kim, who is accurate regarding the body and shows quality in movement; his works convey strength, impetus and an interesting questioning of everything human".
Roy Assaf’s advice is that “while seeing Hush I encourage you to ignore the unswerving temptation of seeking for the plot; refuse the stubborn need to understand, trust your instinct -being honest and sincere about it- and follow your tender heart, that has a great capacity for imagination”.
Dongkyu Kim, who has worked on the island with his assistants Nara Yoon and Jiho Jang, also a composer, says that “we all make our own sound”. That’s why in Yalacha “sound doesn’t come from the mouth but from life: I live my own life and I make my own sound through the sound of others but, what sound do you make? he wonders. The piece is part of the Jisoo Gook Laboratory Dance Project.
All the information about circus, theatre, dance and family shows of the Telón programme, tickets and discounts available in each venue can be checked on and on their social networks.
Lava is travelling to Pamplona to perform at Navarra University’s Teatro del Museo. The group resident at the Auditorio de Tenerife is putting on a double programme at 7:30 pm on Friday the 22nd. Their show includes the pieces Bending the Walls, by choreographer Fernando Hernando Magadan, and Beyond, by La intrusa’s Virginia García and Damián Muñoz. At 12:00 noon on the same day, the company’s artistic director, Daniel Abreu, will have a meeting with the audience.
This double programme, which was the first show the company put on a year ago, reaches Navarra as part of the section Museo en Danza of the university’s cultural centre. In the morning, the same venue is hosting a meeting with Daniel Abreu, Premio Nacional de Danza 2014 [National Dance Award], to talk about the Tenerife dancer’s career and his work with the company, which started in 2018.
Bending the Walls is an exploration of the world of restrictions and limitations in the search for happiness, freedom and understanding. Through the piece, the physical and psychological limits of the individual and the surrounding world are explored. It is a metaphor about the psychological, physical and emotional forces human beings can approach in order to reach beyond palpable reality, overcome sorrow and escape into the world of the imagination.
Beyond deals with the experience of searching through the emotional landscapes of memory, presenting a scenario full of uncertainties, which forces us to create or reflect on our own life and on the landscape every individual shapes for themselves either consciously or unconsciously.
Lava’s calendar continues on 1 December, at the Auditorio de Tenerife where at 7:00 pm they will premiere their new double programme, created by two choreographers, Hush, by Israeli Roy Assaf, and Yalacha, by Korean Dong Kyu Kim, to be presented at the Festival de Artes Escénicas Telón Tenerife. Also, on 5 December the dance company is travelling to Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to perform their new repertoire at Teatro Pérez Galdós.
Tickets for Lava’s premiere on 1 December are available through Auditorio de Tenerife’s usual sale channels: at the box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm Monday to Saturday except holidays; via the website or calling 902 317 327. On the day of the performance, the box office will open two hours before the show starts.
The contemporary dance company resident at Auditorio de Tenerife, Lava, is giving its first international performance in Bremen, Germany on Wednesday, the 23rd. The group will dance at the Schwankhalle Theatre at 8:00 pm their first two pieces, Bending the Walls and Beyond, at the opening of the Festival Baila España 2019, organised by the city’s Instituto Cervantes.
The dancers are travelling to the German city with their assistant director Dácil González, who was recently awarded the Premio Nacional de Danza 2019 in the Performance category “because she has consistently and soundly delivered a seamless link between technique, emotion and communicative ability in her performances for more than 20 years”.
Bending the Walls is a production by Korzo Theater and the Nederlands Dans Theater, directed by the Spanish choreographer Fernando Hernando Magadan, artistic director at NDT2. It is an exploration on the world of restrictions and limitations in the search for happiness, freedom and understanding: the physical and psychological limits within the self and the surrounding world. It is a metaphor about the psychological, physical and emotional forces human beings can approach in order to reach beyond palpable reality, overcoming sorrow to escape into the world of the imagination.
On the other hand, Beyond, by the company La Intrusa, winner of Premio Nacional de Danza 2015, a creation by Virginia García and Damián Muñoz. The piece deals with the experience of searching through the emotional landscapes of memory, presenting a scenario full of uncertainties, which forces us to create or reflect on our own life and on the landscape that either consciously or unconsciously is shaped.
Lava’s calendar continues on 22 November at Teatro del Museo Universidad de Navarra with the same double bill, Bending the Walls and Beyond; on 1 December, they will be at Auditorio de Tenerife with two new creations by two choreographers, Hush, by Israeli Roy Assaf, and Yalacha, by Korean Dong Kyu Kim, within the Festival de Artes Escénicas Telón Tenerife; on 4 and 5 December both pieces will be premiered in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
Lava is the artistic creation department of Tenerife Danza, under the Cabildo’s Instituto de Artes Escénicas. The company was set up in 2018 as resident at Auditorio de Tenerife with the aim of producing a new repertoire by creators of international scope and Tenerife dancer Daniel Abreu (Premio Nacional de Danza 2014) as artistic director.
The six dancers have a strong stage presence, are technically proficient and versatile to bring creations to life that share contemporary dance language plus other codes of the current artistic discourse. Physicality, poetry and commitment.
The company has a high-quality exclusive, original repertoire that is impeccably performed. It has already attracted a wide audience and is creating new ones through the experience of dance and its context.
La asistente de dirección de la compañía de danza tinerfeña Lava, Dácil González, ha recibido hoy [lunes 7] el Premio Nacional de Danza en Interpretación 2019. La bailarina, mano derecha del director artístico de la formación residente de Auditorio de Tenerife, Daniel Abreu -Premio Nacional de Danza 2014-, obtiene el galardón “por el impecable nexo entre técnica, emoción y capacidad comunicativa, desarrollado a lo largo de más de 20 años, con solidez y constancia”.
El jurado, que premió en la categoría de Creación a Estévez/Paños y Compañía, también ha destacado especialmente su interpretación en La desnudez, último trabajo de la Compañía Daniel Abreu, de la que forma parte. “Esta pieza resalta su espléndido perfil de intérprete, que trabaja desde la resistencia y el compromiso”, asegura el comité en el acta.
“A través de su trayectoria puede leerse gran parte de la historia de la danza contemporánea hecha en España”, recalca el jurado de estos premios, que concede anualmente el Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte del Gobierno de España y que están dotados con 30.000 euros cada uno.
Dácil González es colaboradora asidua del bailarín y creador tinerfeño Daniel Abreu, junto al que ha trabajado en los espectáculos Equilibrio (2010), Animal (2011), Silencio (2013), Venere (2015) y La desnudez (2017). Desde 2018 trabaja mano a mano con Abreu en la dirección artística de la compañía tinerfeña Lava.
Formada en estudios superiores de danza en la modalidad de Coreografía y Técnicas de Interpretación, la canaria Dácil González comenzó sus estudios junto a Julián Brandon y María Eulate. Desde 1996 vive y trabaja en Madrid, donde ha desarrollado buena parte de su trayectoria como bailarina, participando en compañías como 10&10 danza -dirigida por Mónica Runde y Pedro Berdäyes-, donde trabajó desde 1998; La Piel Danza, agrupación dirigida por José Reches; Larumbe Danza y Els Visitants Compañía de Teatre, entre otras.
Fuera de España, bailó para el Staatstheater Darmstadt bajo la dirección de Mei Hong Lin. Ha participado también en diversas óperas y algunas películas como El otro lado de la cama, con coreografía de Pedro Berdäyes, y Pasos de baile, dirigida por John Malkovich. Como coreógrafa destacan los trabajos Solo de momento, Cuando digo una palabra (creado junto a Gustavo Martín), una colaboración con la compañía Maltrago Teatro para el espectáculo La niña sin muelas, y el montaje It, creado junto a Gustavo Martín y Jesús Caramés con la agrupación que fundaron y codirigen desde 2009, LA. Otra Compañía Danza.
Dácil González se encuentra actualmente trabajando en el estreno de las dos nuevas piezas de Lava, coreografiadas por el israelí Roy Assaf y el coreano Dong Kyu Kim, que tendrá lugar el 1 de diciembre a las 19:00 horas en la Sala Sinfónica el Auditorio de Tenerife, en el marco del Festival de Artes Escénicas Telón Tenerife. Las entradas pueden adquirirse en los canales habituales de Auditorio de Tenerife, en taquilla de 10:00 a 19:30 horas, de lunes a sábado excepto festivos, a través de y o por teléfono en el 902 317 327.
Dácil González the assistant director of Tenerife dance company Lava took today, Monday the 7th, the Premio Nacional de Danza en Interpretación 2019 [National Dance Award for Performance]. The dancer is the right-hand person of Daniel Abreu, who won the Premio Nacional de Danza in 2014 and is the artistic director of this company resident at Auditorio de Tenerife. She was granted the award “because she has consistently and soundly delivered a seamless link between technique, emotion and communicative ability in her performances for more than 20 years”.
The jury, who gave the prize for the Creation category to Estévez/Paños y Compañía, has highlighted her performance in La desnudez, the latest work by Compañía Daniel Abreu, a company she is part of. “This piece underlines her splendid performer profile which she works on through perseverance and commitment”, the committee states in their report.
“Through her career we can glimpse at the history of contemporary dance made in Spain”, the jury stressed. These awards are granted every year by the Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Government of Spain and come with a 30,000-euro cash prize each.
Dácil González usually collaborates with the Tenerife dancer and creator Daniel Abreu and has worked with him in shows like Equilibrio (2010), Animal (2011), Silencio (2013), Venere (2015) and La desnudez (2017). Since 2018 she has been working side by side with Abreu at the artistic direction of Tenerife company Lava.
Having started her training with Julián Brandon and María Eulate, the Canarian dancer graduated in the specialities of Choreography and Performance Techniques. She has lived and worked in Madrid since 1996 where she has carried out most of her dance career, taking part in companies like 10&10 danza -directed by Mónica Runde and Pedro Berdäyes-, where she started to work in 1998; La Piel Danza, directed by José Reches; Larumbe Danza and Els Visitants Compañía de Teatre, among others.
Abroad, she has danced for the Staatstheater Darmstadt directed by Mei Hong Lin and has also taken part in different operas and some films such as El otro lado de la cama, with a choreography by Pedro Berdäyes, and Pasos de baile, directed by John Malkovich. As choreographer, her works include Solo de momento, Cuando digo una palabra (created with Gustavo Martín), a collaboration with the company Maltrago Teatro for the show La niña sin muelas, and the production It, created with Gustavo Martín and Jesús Caramés with the group they started and have codirected since 2009, LA. Otra Compañía Danza.
Dácil González is currently working in the premiere of two new pieces by Lava, choreographed by Israeli Roy Assaf and Korean Dong Kyu Kim, to take place at 7:00 pm on 1 December at Auditorio de Tenerife’s Sala Sinfónica as part of the Festival de Artes Escénicas Telón Tenerife [Telón Tenerife Performing Arts Festival].
Tickets can be purchased via the usual sale channels of Auditorio de Tenerife, at the box office from 10:00 am to 7:30 pm, Monday to Saturday except holidays; on and or by phone on 902 317 327.
The dance company Lava has been chosen to perform on the second Noche del Patrimonio en Córdoba [Cordoba Heritage Evening] on Saturday, the 21st at 9:25 pm. Admission to the event is free. The group resident at Auditorio de Tenerife will dance the piece 15 Grados al Oeste, [15 Degrees West] by the choreographer and Tenerife-resident Paloma Hurtado. The show is taking place at the picturesque Sala Orive, a multi-purpose cultural space whose walls are part of a 16th century convent.
On Saturday, the 15 Spanish cities that have been designated World Heritage by UNESCO will celebrate simultaneously the Second Heritage Evening. The event is divided in three main sections: Escena Patrimonio [Heritage Scene], in which dance has the lead in all its forms and ages; Abierto Patrimonio [Open Heritage], open days at different monuments; Vive Patrimonio [Experience Heritage], a wide offer of cultural and leisure activities at the historical centres of these cities.
The piece includes dancers Javier Arozena, Virginia Martín Mateos, Emiliana Battista Marino, Alicia Pirez and Luis Agorreta. This is the only piece scheduled in the Escena Patrimonio de Córdoba section. It tells the story of many journeys, many people through a tour of the body’s memory, of the abyss of sensations.
Lava is made up by six dancers who have a strong stage presence, are technically sound and most versatile. They bring to life creations whose common point is the contemporaneity of the dance language and other codes of the current artistic discourse. Its artistic director is Tenerife-born Daniel Abreu, winner of Premio Nacional de Danza 2014.
Lava’s next engagement are on 23 October in Bremen at the 2019 Baila España Festival with the pieces Bending the Walls and Beyond, invited by the city’s Instituto Cervantes; on 22 November at Teatro del Museo Universidad de Navarra with the same double bill; on 1 December, with the new creation by choreographers Israeli Roy Assaf and Korean Dong Kyu Kim, at the Festival de Artes Escénicas Telón Tenerife; and on 4 and 5 December with the same pieces they have just premiered in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
El Festival de las Artes del Movimiento (FAM) termina este fin de semana transformando al Auditorio de Tenerife en un escenario polivalente para la danza española. Una docena de espectáculos, de entrada libre hasta completar aforo, se darán lugar en hasta cinco espacios diferentes del centro cultural del Cabildo de Tenerife. Técnicamente, esta producción supone el montaje de luces más grande en los 15 años de actividad del Auditorio de Tenerife.
El sábado [día 8] abre la programación a las 11:30 horas en la Sala Castillo otro estreno canario, el tercero de acoge esta novena edición de FAM, Esto no es una prueba de sonido, de bailarina y coreógrafa Carlota Mantecón. Esta pieza reflexiona sobre la escucha de la imagen de un cuerpo en movimiento, sobre cómo visibilizar el sonido que nos percute y cómo lo acústico condiciona lo visual.
A las 12:30 horas la Sala Sinfónica albergará Presente, de Antonio Ruz. La danza, los objetos y la música interactúan entre sí en esta pieza mutante en la que cinco intérpretes construyen su propio espacio escénico mientras se suceden coreografías e imágenes de una poesía que viaja entre el caos y la belleza, entre lo efímero y lo eterno.
Danza en Comunidad, un proyecto social de Auditorio de Tenerife, presenta tres piezas a las 16:30 horas en la Sala Castillo. La función comenzará con dos estrenos: Piedras, creado junto al Proyecto de Mujeres de Añaza Emprendedoras-Fundación el Buen Samaritano, y Viento, realizada por la Asociación de Padres Orobal. Cerrará el programa Adosados, creada a partir de los talleres Martes Danzando en Comunidad y estrenada en Mueca 2019.
Continúa la programación Ehiza, de Héctor Plaza y Agnes Sales, a las 17:30 horas en el hall. Ehiza trata de una lucha de poderes, una persecución constante entre depredador y presa. Un continuo cambio de rol e interacción entre dos cuerpos. Es una lucha en donde toman importancia el uso estratégico de la agilidad, la fuerza y la velocidad.
A las 18:30 horas Janet Novás realizará su Mercedes y yo en la Sala de Cámara. Tras varios encuentros de improvisación en contextos y espacios muy heterogéneos, donde la artista Janes Novás y la compositora Mercedes Peón exploran las relaciones que existen y que se establecen entre su danza y su música, surge la necesidad y el deseo de profundizar, entender, organizar o escribir y dedicarle un tiempo de estudio a la relación entre ambas.
A las 20:00 horas la Sala Sinfónica cierra el sábado con Lava, la compañía de danza de Auditorio de Tenerife, dirigida por el Premio Nacional de Danza Daniel Abreu, con Bending the Walls, de Fernando Hernando Magadan. Esta pieza es una exploración sobre el mundo de las restricciones y limitaciones en la búsqueda de la felicidad, la libertad y la comprensión: los límites físicos y psicológicos dentro de cada uno y el mundo que les rodea.
Liov, de Diego Sinniger, abre el domingo [día 9] a las 11:30 horas en el exterior del Auditorio de Tenerife. Los bailarines se ponen en la situación de necesitar liberar una carga que les incapacita para desarrollarse con plenitud. Al otro lado se encuentra el monstruo: una sombra que refuerza los miedos, impidiendo que nada se transforme. Se debe encarar y tomar una decisión y para eso es necesario salir de la zona de confort y aceptar lo incierto.
A las 12:30 horas tendrá lugar The Lamb, de Kor’sia en la Sala Sinfónica. The Lamb parte de un acontecimiento milagroso, la recuperación de la vista, para sumergir al público en una experiencia cegadora. En ella, cielo, infierno y purgatorio se confunden entre sí y con un prostíbulo en el que cuerpos flameantes ofician extraños rituales donde los roles de víctima y verdugo son intercambiables. En este mundo, para despertar, se necesita cerrar los ojos por segunda vez.
La gramática de los mamíferos, de María del Mar Suárez, se hará con la Sala de Cámara a las 18:30 horas. La neurosis del amor, la búsqueda del placer o la consecución del liderazgo centran la temática de este híbrido escénico, bajo una mirada que desvela un mundo enfermo, estropeado y sin moral. Una civilización que se pierde en su evolución y la esperanza de volvernos a reconocer como animales.
Lava vuelve a la programación con un estreno, 15º al Oeste, de Paloma Hurtado, que se representará en el exterior del Auditorio a partir de las 19:45 horas. En esta pieza el cielo de las noches de verano nos guía, las nubes de arena migran en oleadas rojizas desde el Sáhara, formando caminos que conectan con otros caminos y personas, formando fronteras que un solo paso puede derribar. La espera a veces se vuelve infinita.
La compañía del director artístico de Lava, Cía. Daniel Abreu, cierra esta edición de FAM a partir de las 20:30 horas en la Sala Sinfónica con La desnudez, que interpreta junto a Dácil González y el músico Hugo Portas, pieza galardonada en 2018 con tres premios Max de las Artes Escénicas de España al Mejor Espectáculo de Danza, Mejor Intérprete Masculino de Danza y Mejor Coreografía.
FAM comenzó el pasado miércoles [día 5] y se prolonga hasta el domingo [día 9] programando actividades para profesionales y una veintena de espectáculos de entrada libre hasta completar aforo en diferentes espacios de Santa Cruz y La Laguna. La programación de FAM, a la que asisten una treintena de programadores locales, nacionales e internacionales invitados por el festival, puede consultarse en