Saturday 27Apr24
Sunday 28Apr24


Double programme: Symphony nº 7 (Beethoven) | Cantata
2 Shows
27 Apr 20:00 h.and 28 Apr 20:00 h.
90 min. + 20 min. of intermission
 Auditorio de Tenerife (Sala Sinfónica)
 20 €

Auditorio de Tenerife programmes two performances of Les Grands Ballets Canadiens. The Montreal company presents a double programme consisting of the performances Symphony No. 7 (Beethoven) by Uwe Scholz and Cantata by Mauro Bigonzetti.


As a creation and production company, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens is devoted to the development of dance in all its forms, building on the discipline of classical ballet. Under the artistic direction of Ivan Cavallari, some forty-five Canadian and international dancers bring the great classics of ballet to the stage, as well as the creations and repertoire of established and emerging contemporary artists.


Located in the heart of Montréal’s Quartier des spectacles, Les Grands Ballets is wholly committed to give to as many people as possible access to dance, whether through the Nutcracker Fund for Children, leisure activities in the Grands Ballets STUDIOS or with the National Centre for Dance Therapy (NCDT), which is devoted to greater wellbeing through the benefits of dance. Through the excellence of its productions and the scope of its cultural and social actions, the company seeks to inspire discovery and conjure emotions, stimulate the imagination, convey a passion for dance and create a lasting impact.

Access is only allowed to children over five years of age.

For further information, please check the general purchase terms and hall conditions.

If you have any questions while purchasing your tickets, you can write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call 922 568 625 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., except for public holidays.

Sat 27Apr24
Sun 28Apr24

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