Thursday 02Sep21
Sunday 05Sep21
Wednesday 08Sep21

Bakunin Sauna

Una obra anarquista. Première in Spain.
3 Shows
02 Sep 20:00 h. - 08 Sep 20:00 h.
70 min.
(El Sauzal, Guía de Isora, La Laguna)
Musical Theatre/Uruguay
 MEI ()

The theatre festival Muestra Escénica Iberoamericana (MEI) has programmed 'Bakunin Sauna, una obra anarquista' (Bakunin Sauna, an anarchist play), by the Uruguayan company Teatro El Galpón.

Margarita, an old anarchist who is specialized in cognitive computing, plans to kidnap Ema, IBM's new general manager for Latin America, from a hotel sauna in Las Vegas.

Two IBM ex-officers, Rosa and Bernardo, help her together with a computer humanoid that looks like the Russian philosopher Mikhail Bakunin and that is specially programmed for the purpose. However, the action gets out of control.

A fantastic, hilarious, and politically incorrect comedy.

Texto y dirección: Santiago Sanguinetti

Elenco: Myriam Gleijer, Elizabeth Vignoli, Héctor Hernández, Pierino Zorzini y Claudia Trecu

Performances of 'Bakunin Sauna, una obra anarquista' in Tenerife:

Teatro El Sauzal-2 September Tickets are on sale HERE

Auditorio, Guía de Isora-5 September Tickets not available so far.

Paraninfo de la ULL-8 September Tickets are on sale HERE

En este espacio se podrá disponer de una visualización del espectáculo solo para los programadores con clave de la Red Española de Teatros, Auditorios, Circuitos y Festivales de Titularidad Pública (Redescena) y la Red Eurolatinoamericana de Artes Escénicas (Redelae). 

Tickets will be on sale at each venue under their own conditions and measures.

Recommended for audience over 12 years of age.

Thu 02Sep21
Sun 05Sep21
Wed 08Sep21

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