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This Saturday's concert will also feature a performance by the band of the Fuerteventura Island School.


The Auditorio de Tenerife hosts on Saturday [27th], at 6:00 p.m. in the Chamber Hall a concert by pupils of the Professional Music Conservatoire (CPM) of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. The ensembles participating in this event are the orchestra and band of the 2nd Cycle of Professional Training at the CPM and, as a special guest, the band of the Fuerteventura Island School. Entry is free until total capacity is reached.

Through these activities, the CPM of Santa Cruz de Tenerife encourages pupils to participate outside the school environment. This concert aims to show the level and work carried out by the students and teachers of the centre's different specialities and subjects and to create musical links with other musical institutions, in this case, with the Island School of Music of Fuerteventura.

The second cycle orchestra of the CPM of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, formed by thirty musicians, was created to implement the orchestra subject, which, aside from giving students a musical education, also taught how a musician works within the orchestra.

For this event, the second-cycle orchestra of the CPM of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, a group of thirty musicians, will be performing adaptations for a string and percussion orchestra. They will showcase two movements from symphonies by the composers Georges Bizet and Antonín Dvorak, arranged specifically for a youth orchestra by Jeff Manookian. As a surprise element, they will also present a piece from the mid-20th century, featuring unusual instrumentation, which beautifully embodies the English verb "to play" in its double sense: to play an instrument and to play with it.

The 2nd cycle music group is presenting a programme that includes the overture Centuria, followed by the symphonic poem Cassiopeia by the composer Carlos Marques, inspired by Greek mythology. Then, it will be followed by the medley by the rock group Deep Purple and will conclude by adding a touch of colour to the work Copacabana in an arrangement by the maestro Nahoiro Iwai.

The 2nd cycle music group, led by Javier Llopis, is a collaborative effort between 75 3rd—and 4th-year students from Professional Music Teaching. Its annual projects notably include concerts at the conservatoire and in other halls on our island. Recently, it performed at the Training and Conference Centre of Fuerteventura in an exchange educational project with the band of the Island Music School, which is returning the visit with this event.

Thirty musicians form the band from Fuerteventura. Some members are students from the Island School of Music and other former students who want to continue participating in this amateur group that tries to tackle the repertoire of more contemporary bands without forgetting about traditional music. It participates in the concerts that the school regularly organises and collaborates with other public and private entities in various events. Javier Santos currently leads it.

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 Some forty dancers are tackling the double programme on Saturday and Sunday, with Symphony No. 7 (Beethoven) and Cantata.


The Auditorio de Tenerife offers two large-scale dance performances with Les Grands Ballets Canadiens. The Montreal company will be performing this Saturday (27th) and Sunday (28th) at the Symphony Hall at 8:00 p.m. Based on classical ballet, some forty dancers perform a double programme consisting of the performances of Symphony No. 7 (Beethoven) and Cantata.

The double programme opens with Symphony No 7, a choreography by the multi-award-winning German dancer Uwe Scholz, who passed away in 2004. The dancers enter into a symbiotic relationship with Beethoven's imposing music. The work becomes a leitmotif, with its athletic prowess and unison dance geometry. The dance proposal is structured in four movements that form a succession of different colours and rhythms.

Beethoven's Symphony No. 7 was first performed in 1813 during the period of the Napoleonic Wars. The piece is named by Richard Wagner as "the apotheosis of dance" and fascinates with its rigorous classicism and its energy. The recording that can be heard during the performance in the Auditorio de Tenerife is by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra conducted by Carlos Kleiber (Deutsche Grammophon, 1995).

After a short intermission, the Cantata, by Italian choreographer Mauro Bigonzetti, will begin. With its visceral, passionate gestural language, this piece evokes rugged Mediterranean beauty and embraces the colours of the South. Instinctive and vital, the dance explores the multiple facets of relationships between men and women, from seduction and passion to quarrels and jealousy. The voices and music of the four on-stage singers draw the ten pairs of dancers into the festive working-class atmosphere of Southern Italy, to the sounds of the tambourine and castanets.

Cantata pays homage to Italian culture and its musical tradition. The piece is inspired by Italian music from the 18th and 19th centuries, from lullabies to the pizziche of Salento, and with a nod to Neapolitan serenades. This heritage comes to life on stage through the performance of four singers and musicians, accompanying the dancers to the sound of frame drums and the diatonic button accordion. They interpret traditional Neapolitan songs that immerse the public in the atmosphere of Southern Italy.

As a creation and production company, Les Grands Ballets Canadiens is devoted to developing dance in all its forms, building on the discipline of classical ballet. Under the artistic direction of Ivan Cavallari, some forty Canadian and international dancers bring the great classics of ballet to the stage, as well as the creations and repertoire of established and emerging contemporary artists.

Located in the heart of Montréal's Quartier des spectacles, Les Grands Ballets is committed to giving to as many people as possible access to dance, whether through the Nutcracker Fund for Children, leisure activities in the Grands Ballets Studios or with the National Centre for Dance Therapy (NCDT), which is devoted to greater wellbeing through the benefits of dance. Through the excellence of its productions and the scope of its cultural and social actions, the company seeks to inspire discovery and conjure emotions, stimulate the imagination, convey a passion for dance and create a lasting impact.

The tickets for both performances can be purchased at a single price of €20 and 5 euros for the audience under 30 years of age on the website, at the auditorium's box office, or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There are discounts for students, unemployed and large families.



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Auditorio de Tenerife recibe del 15 al 25 de abril de 2024 la residencia artística Desmorir, de Masu Fajardo. La muestra de la residencia tendrá lugar el 25 de abril a las 19:30 horas en la Sala Castillo del Auditorio.

Desmorir se encuentra en un proceso incipiente de creación. La autora propone habitar puertas que se abran hacia estados desconocidos, así como la muerte metafórica del concepto de la mirada externa (público) como algo a lo que dejar de complacer- alimentar o satisfacer (dejar de) y, por último, el extrañamiento que produce salirse del ritmo general, ralentizarlo todo y observar. Crear una fricción entre tiempos que nos permitan observar el hueco que aparece y al que asistir en forma de acontecimiento.

Fajardo cita Byung-Chul Han con Caras de la muerte 'habrá́ que dejar que la muerte hable, concederle la palabra, consciente o in-conscientemente, hasta que ella le bastante a uno toda palabra y toda expresión, hasta que le haga imposible toda posibilidad de expresarse, hasta que se funda con la naturaleza indiferente, con su mudez'. Afinar los oídos y hacer el esfuerzo de descifrar las cacofonías que la muerte guarda para los mortales, concluye la bailarina. 

Algunos de sus trabajos anteriores más conocidos son la Microficciones (cómo desaparecer en escena), Simulación de vacío, el video Equilibrio y otras coreografías, Coreografiar la disidencia, Skachaikovsky, Coreografiar la disidencia, Las reglas del Juego, Sujeto visible-Sujeto invisible, la exposición Manual de coreografías, La Transmisión y  Lo que no se ve. En todos sus proyectos existen ciertos campos de investigación que se tocan entre sí como la desaparición, la ausencia como presencia, la disidencia, la dualidad... 


Masu Fajardo

Nacida en Tenerife en 1978, Masu Fajardo es bailarina, coreógrafa y gestora cultural. Estudió Historia del Arte en la Universidad de La Laguna y un Máster en Gestión Cultural en la Universidad de Alcalá de Henares. Recibió una beca del Cabildo de Tenerife para ampliar su formación en Barcelona y Ámsterdam. 

Durante su época residiendo en Tenerife comenzó a realizar sus primeras piezas de creación propia junto a la Compañía Nómada. En 2014 Fue ganadora del premio al joven intérprete canario más destacado en el certamen coreográfico internacional de MasdanzaIX.

Se muda a Barcelona en el año 2002 y vive allí hasta 2012. En su etapa en la ciudad catalana colabora con coreógrafos como Carmelo Salazar (Barcelona) Dominik Borouki (Barcelona) en diferentes festivales y espacios de la ciudad.

También trabajó con Olga Mesa en Estrasbourgo con Festival Novelles Dances. Paralelamente, trabajaba en la Compañía Konic Thtr (arte y multimedia) como intérprete, bailarina, performer y activadora de la tecnología en directo. Con esta plataforma artística viajó a México (festival transversales) Moscú, Marruecos, Francia, Sicilia y Nueva York, entre otros, con diferentes espectáculos.

Fue la artista seleccionada para la edición IX de Mugaxaon residiendo en  Arteleku (Donosti) y Fundación Serralves (Oporto), donde se realizaron encuentros de trabajo con artistas como Alice Chauchat, Juan Dominguez, entre otros. Mientras reside en el norte de la Península investiga sobre sus propios intereses que van apuntando hacia la presencia y la ficción-no ficción.

Ha sido artista residente en Hangar de Barcelona, ​​en La Poderosa de La Porta, en L`Estruch de Sabadell y en Solar de TEA Tenerife. 

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El chelista Victor Julien-Laferriere actuará como solista invitado en un programa que también contempla partituras de Dutilleux y Stravinsky


La Sinfónica de Tenerife pone el foco en el talento canario en el programa que ofrece este viernes (día 26), a partir de las 19:30 horas en el Auditorio de Tenerife. La orquesta afronta por primera vez la composición Galdosiana, creada por la grancanaria Laura Vega en homenaje al escritor canario Benito Pérez Galdós. El concierto contará con la presencia del director José Luis Gómez, muy vinculado a la formación tinerfeña durante su etapa como violinista, y con la presencia de Victor Julien-Laferriere como solista en el Concierto para violonchelo de Henri Dutilleux. La velada se cierra con la interpretación de Petrushka, de Igor Stravinski.

El director José Luis Gómez, de origen venezolano y miembro de la Sinfónica de Tenerife durante años, considera a la orquesta “su hogar”, ya que ha crecido musicalmente, “como solista y director en las diferentes ocasiones que he tenido el honor de dirigirla”. Para Gómez, este programa “es muy especial”, ya que “pone de manifiesto la excelente calidad artística de la orquesta al interpretar piezas importantísimas del repertorio del siglo XX”. Además, destaca “la labor de difusión de compositores contemporáneos y de nuestra tierra como Laura Vega”. En este sentido, destaca Galdosiana como “bellísima composición inspirada en la inmensa figura del escritor canario Benito Perez Galdós”.

Galdosiana es una obra contemporánea firmada en 2020 por Laura Vega que nace de un encargo de la Joven Orquesta de Canarias y la Orquesta y Coro Nacionales de España para homenajear al escritor Benito Pérez Galdós. En su recorrido melancólico y apasionado, se desgrana de forma repetitiva el arrorró canario, así como ecos de Schumann, Stravinski o Beethoven, compositores de referencia del literato canario.

A continuación sonará Tout un monde lointain… Concierto para violonchelo de Henri Dutilleux, una composición de 1970 dedicada al legendario violonchelista Mstislav Rostropóvich. La atmósfera onírica, misteriosa y sensual del poema de Charles Baudelaire, La chevelure, del que se tomó el título de la obra, se plasma en esta partitura en la que Victor Julien-Laferriere será el solista en la actuación en el Auditorio de Tenerife.

En la segunda parte del concierto, la Sinfónica abordará Petrushka de Igor Stravinski, una pieza de ballet cuyo argumento descubre a la marioneta tradicional rusa homónima que cobra vida en el carnaval de San Petersburgo. Se trata de un trabajo, compuesto en 1911 y revisado en 1947, que representa un elemento crucial del camino hacia la modernidad musical del siglo XX con sus rupturas melódicas, armónicas, tímbricas, rítmicas y formales.

José Luis Gómez, actual director musical de la Sinfónica de Tucson, ha sido reconocido internacionalmente con diferentes menciones como el Primer Premio del Concurso Internacional de Dirección Sir Georg Solti en 2010, lo que le valió para ser designado director asistente de la Sinfónica de la Radio de Fráncfort. También fue director principal de la Orquesta 1813 Teatro Sociale di Como entre 2012 y 2015.

Gómez ha trabajado con diferentes orquestas como la Sinfónica de RTVE, Weimar Staatskapelle Orchestra, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, Orquesta Filarmónica de Gran Canaria, Sinfónica de Hamburgo, Karlsruhe Staatstheater Orchester, Basel Sinfonietta, Orquestra Sinfônica do Porto, Pomeriggi Musicali de Milán, Sinfonía Varsovia, SWR Radio Sinfonie-Orchester Stuttgart, Sinfónica de Houston, National Arts Centre Orchestra de Ottawa, Orquestra Sinfônica Brasileira, Orquesta Filarmónica de Bogotá, Orquesta Nacional de Perú o las orquestas sinfónicas de Colorado, Alabama o Louisiana.

Ganador del Primer Premio del Concurso Queen Elisabeth en 2017, Victor Julien-Laferrière fue descrito como "uno de los talentos más fiables de la joven generación de violonchelistas franceses" por la revista Diapason; recibió en Francia en 2018 la Victoire de la Musique como solista instrumental del año. Durante esta temporada, además de su presencia en Tenerife, actúa con la Orquesta Nacional de Lille y la Filarmónica de Timisoara. También es invitado por la Royal Liverpool Philharmonic, en Utrecht con la Netherlands Radio Philharmonic y en Bruselas con la Orquesta Nacional de Bélgica.

Laura Vega protagonizará la charla previa que ofrece la Asociación Tinerfeña de Amigos de la Música. La compositora grancanaria explicará los detalles de Galdosiana a partir de las 18:30 horas en la Sala Avenida, ubicada en el hall del Auditorio de Tenerife.

Las entradas para este concierto podrán adquirirse hasta el mismo día del evento, a través de la página web, en la taquilla del propio recinto cultural del Cabildo o de forma teléfonica en el 902 317 327, de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas, y sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 horas.

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The wind bands Crearte (Tejina), Amigos del Arte (Güímar) and Cruz Santa (Los Realejos) will be performing.


The Auditorio de Tenerife is staging this Sunday (21st), at 11:30 a.m., in the Chamber Hall, a new programme of the Primavera Musical cycle. The invited wind ensembles are Crearte from Tejina, Patronato Amigos del Arte from Güímar and Cruz Santa from Los Realejos. The event is an initiative by the federation 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música' with the collaboration of the Island Council.

Active since 2012, the cultural and musical association Crearte Unión Musical from Tejina is the first group to take to the stage. Under the direction of Cristina Doro García, they present a repertoire consisting of the pasodoble Santiago Mestre by the Alicante-born Óscar Navarro, Beyond the Horizon by the American Rossano Galano and Glenn Miller Medley, a work with arrangements by the Japanese Naohiro Iwai.

Juan Carlos Rodríguez Delgado will direct the cultural association Patronato Amigos del Arte from Güímar this Sunday. The ensemble - with almost two centuries of history - will perform El Folo by José Luis Peiró Reig, Selections From Encanto by Lin Manuel Miranda, arranged by Paul Murtha, Don ́t Stop Me Now by Queen, with arrangements by Paul Murtha and the Suite from Forrest Gump by Alan Silvestri, arranged by Henk Ummels.

The wind band Agrupación Musical Cruz Santa, founded 85 years ago, is the last group to perform this Sunday. Sofía González Batista will lead the group in the performance of two works: Kapytan 'by Saúl Gómez and Libertadores by Óscar Navarro.

The Primavera Musical cycle has been organised by the wind bands federation Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música since 2005 with the support of the Tenerife Island Council. As part of this initiative, the public can listen to the 37 wind bands that form the association in the Auditorio de Tenerife's Chamber Hall with free admission until the hall reaches its maximum capacity.

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This French visual production, which is staging shows at the weekend, hosted a session today for 1,500 school students


The Auditorio de Tenerife is presenting a unique family opera, The Child and the Spells (L'enfant et les sortilèges)by the renowned French composer Maurice Ravel. This visually captivating show has two performances this weekend: Saturday (20th) at 6:00 p.m. and Sunday (21st) at noon. This title, brought to you by the Ópera de Tenerife, is a production by the prestigious Opéra National de Lyon and involves the collaboration of the esteemed Auditori de Barcelona.

In addition to the public shows, today (18th), a session was held for schools, which over 1,500 pupils attended. The 24 participating schools belong to nine municipalities on the island: Candelaria, Garachico, Granadilla de Abona, La Orotava, La Victoria de Acentejo, Los Realejos, Puerto de la Cruz, San Cristóbal de La Laguna and Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

The regional minister of Culture, José Carlos Acha, thanked the teachers and pupils for their effort to come to the Auditorio de Tenerife and highlighted the importance of these types of initiatives. "Opera is an important pillar of our programming and also of educational work; shows like this combine these two objectives."

"Seeing the hall packed with spectators under the age of 12 is a commitment to the future", adds the minister, who believes that "many of them are coming to the Auditorium for the first time and are potential consumers of culture over the coming years". Acha also highlights the response obtained in the shows over the weekend for families receiving an excellent reception from our audience.

The work recounts the story of a disobedient child in Normandy whose mother decides to punish him after he fails to fulfil his obligations. Faced with this situation, the boy destroys all the objects around him, hits his animals, and falls asleep after his tantrum. When the boy wakes up, everything around him comes to life, and he returns the treatment he received in a nightmarish situation.

In 1916, the French director Jacques Rouché suggested to the novelist Sidonie-Gabrielle Colette that she should write a ballet. The writer created the story Entertainment for my daughter (Divertissement pour ma fille) and suggested that Ravel write the score. Nine years later—including the composer's military service—the production premiered on 21 March 1925 in Montecarlo as the first opera for children in the history of music.

The cast is led by mezzo-soprano Na'ama Goldman, who plays the child protagonist. She is accompanied by mezzo-sopranos Karina Demurova and Blanca Valido, who play the mother and the squirrel, respectively, and other roles. The remaining roles are played by sopranos Beatriz Díaz and Natalia Labourdette, tenor David Barrera, baritone Milán Perišić and bass Aleksandr Utkin.

The performance of the solo singers will be accompanied by the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra, under the baton of the musical director, Jordi Francés, and by the choir Ópera de Tenerife-Intermezzo, conducted by Pablo Moras. The musical edition that will be performed belongs to Durand S. A. (Paris).

James Bonas direct the French production. The director defines the piece as a work "that shifts between the extraordinary libretto by Colette and the inspired and challenging music of Ravel". Alongside Grégoire Pont, who is behind the concept and the video, and Thibault Vancraenenbroeck, stage and costume designer, Bonas created a floating and transparent screen measuring 11 metres long and 7.5 metres high for spectators to enjoy Pont's designs and the orchestra on stage. "All of this is achieved in 45 minutes and 22 amazing scenes", states the director, who has Christophe Chaupin in charge of lighting design.

The Educational and Social Department of the Auditorio de Tenerife has prepared an educational guide, which can be found on the website, to further explore this family opera. This is a practical document that has been created thinking about classes and families to display a great range around this children's show including adapted information, games and other activities.

The tickets for the opera can be purchased at a single price of €10 and 5 euros for the audience under 30 years of age on the website, at the auditorium's box office, or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

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The concert ‘Arte, commedia y poesía…Pierrot Lunaire will be staged this Thursday with works by Urquiza, Río-Pareja and Schönberg.


This Thursday (the 18th), the Auditorio de Tenerife is offering the concert Arte, commedia y poesía... Pierrot Lunaire by the Ensemble Sonido Extremo and the countertenor Xavier Sabata. The musical event with poetry and humour will occur at 7:30 p.m. in the Chamber Hall. The programme to be performed by the Extremaduran ensemble and the Catalan singer includes works by Mikel Urquiza, José Río-Pareja and Arnold Schönberg.

The Ensemble Sonido Extremo comprises Jesús Gómez on flute, Alfonso Pineda on clarinet, Javier González on saxophone, Cecilia Bercovich on violin and viola, Iván Siso on cello, Beatriz González on piano and Reyes Gómez on harp.

The concert will begin with Ars Memoriae by Mikel Urquiza. This composition uses timbre, instrumental artifice and dialogue with other music to create a fun and heterogeneous piece in several movements, symbolically placing us in the different rooms of a Roman house, a Domus. Jordi Francés, the ensemble's director, defines this piece as "purely instrumental music without voice, but which explores humour through our memory". 

The following piece adds music to four poems by the Portuguese writer and poet Fernando Pessoa. Tão longe de mim (So far from me), by José Río-Pareja, is an original dialogue in which both voice and instruments explore the provocative style of the ironical and irreverent Pessoa. Francés notes that "this work has a sophisticated and poetic humour. José Río-Pareja composed these four beautiful songs with a string ensemble, some wind instruments, and a harp." 

Following the intermission, the countertenor and the ensemble will present a cycle of small melodramas, a musical journey through 21 poems by the Belgian poet Albert Giraud. The piece, Three Times Seven Poems of Pierrot Lunaire, with its groundbreaking score by composer Arnold Schönberg, revolutionized musical composition in Berlin in 1912. This work, known as Pierrot Lunaire, is a fresh and mysterious masterpiece, and experiencing it is a unique opportunity to understand the evolution of music in the last century.

The Ensemble Sonido Extremo is committed to disseminating culture and art through music. The group, based in Extremadura, defines its activity by reflecting on the many languages of music that coexist in our age. Since their creation in 2009, they have performed at some of the most important cycles and festivals both in and outside Spain. They have had world premieres of over 60 works, collaborating very closely with composers such as José Río-Pareja, Inés Badalo, Jesús Rueda and Mikel Urquiza.

The concert will feature the talent of Catalan countertenor Xavier Sabata. With a background in acting at the Institut del Teatre de Barcelona and a degree in singing from prestigious institutions Escola Superior de Música Catalunya and the Musikhochschule of Karlsruhe, Germany, Sabata has performed with renowned ensembles such as Les Arts Florissants, Europa Galante, Collegium 1704, the Venice Baroque Orchestra, and Il Pomo D'Oro. His collaborations with esteemed conductors like Fabio Biondi, René Jacobs, Jordi Savall, Alan Curtis, Gabriel Garrido, and Fabio Bonizzoni have further solidified his reputation. Recognized for his contributions to the opera world, Sabata was awarded the Ópera Actual Award in 2013 and the Premi Tendències d'el Mundo award in 2014.

This performance is supported by the collaboration of the Island Council of Gran Canaria - the Philharmonic Orchestra of Gran Canaria. The tickets for this concert can be purchased at a single price of €15 and €5 for the audience under 30 years of age until the day of the event on the website, at the auditorium's box office and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There are discounts for students, unemployed and large families.

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The programme for this Tuesday includes works by Debussy, Beethoven and Liszt


The Auditorio de Tenerife is offering a piano concert by the pianist and composer Fazil Say next Tuesday (23rd). The concert starts at 7:30 p.m. in the Chamber Hall. The programme includes works by Claude Debussy, a piece by the artist himself, Ludwig van Beethoven and Franz Liszt.

The performance begins with The Preludes (book I) by the French composer Claude Debussy. This work, composed in 1909, honours the piece of the same name as the one by Pole Chopin. This selection of six preludes consists of evocations aimed, on the one hand, at describing atmospheres in an awakening of the senses, such as Les Sons et les parfums tournent dans l'air du soir and La Cathédrale engloutie, and on the other, characters and scenes, such as La Fille aux cheveux de linLa danse de Puck and Minstrels.

The second piece performed by Say is Clair de lune (Moonlight) from the Suite Bergamasque, L 75, also by Debussy, named after the poem by Paul Verlaine. The Turkish pianist has a deep knowledge of this work, and in 1990, he even orchestrated these preludes. His versatility has led him to compose music for various artistic fields, such as film, theatre, dance, symphony, and chamber groups. His style is unique and free from stylistic clichés.

Before the intermission, Fazil Say decided to surprise the audience with a work of his creation. The composer selects a piece a la carte from his repertoire. This choice leads us to Beethoven's Piano Sonata No. 23, in F minor, op. 57. Composed between 1804 and 1805, this piece holds a special place in Beethoven's heart, considering it one of his most important piano pieces. The first movement expresses contradictory feelings, from longing to extreme dynamism, with suspenseful silences, and a more serene second part, which returns with despair in a defiant third movement.

Fazil Say concludes the concert with Liszt's Prelude and Fugue in A minor, a work that pays homage to the German composer Bach. The conductor made many transcriptions of the works of other famous composers. Although some of these piano arrangements are not widely known, they have held a significant place in the Hungarians' careers. They include Paraphrases of Operas (such as Verdi's Rigoletto), Lieder (such as those of Schumann, Schubert, and Mendelssohn), and transcriptions of symphonies.

With more than 25 years in music, Fazil Say is a pianist and composer of Turkish origin. The author Aribert Reimann discovered him at the age of 16 while studying at the conservatory in Turkey's capital. He refined his training as a classical pianist from 1987 on with David Levine, first at the "Robert Schumann" Musikhochschule in Düsseldorf and then in Berlin. He also regularly attended master classes with Menahem Pressler. 

Throughout his career, he has worked with musicians such as Maxim Vengerov, the Minetti Quartet, the Modigliani Quartet, Nicolas Altstaedt, Marianne Crebassa, and violinist Patricia Kopatchinskaja. He received the Rheingau Music Award, the International Beethoven Award for Human Rights, Peace, Freedom, Fight against Poverty and Inclusion in Bonn (2016), and the Music Award of the City of Duisburg in 2017.

This concert is part of the Pianísimo subscription, which offers tickets for three piano concerts at a 25% discount, including this one by Fazil Say on 23 April, as well as the concerts of Martín García García on 21 May and Paul Lewis on 11 June.

The tickets can be purchased at a single price of €15 and 5 for under 30s on the website, at the auditorium's box office, or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. There are discounts for students, unemployed and large families.

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This Sunday's performances are part of the Primavera Musical cycle.


The Chamber Hall of the Auditorio de Tenerife hosts this Sunday (14th) at 11:30 a.m. a new concert of the Primavera Musical cycle, featuring the music bands from Garachico, the ensemble Unión y Amistad from Santa Cruz, and the band La Esperanza from La Guancha. The event is an initiative by the federation 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música' and the collaboration of the Island Council.

The centenary band Agrupación Musical from Garachico, conducted by Antonio Jesús Gutiérrez León, begins its repertoire with The Blues Factory, by the Dutch composer Jacob de Haan, performed for the first time by this ensemble. The programme is completed with Mocedades en Concierto, arranged by the Cádiz trombonist José Guillamo, and Latín Pop Special, with arrangements by the Japanese Masato Myokoin.

With more than three decades of history, the wind ensemble Agrupación Musical Unión y Amistad will be the second band performing in the Chamber Hall. Iván Yeray Rodríguez Martín leads the group from the coastal town of San Andrés. Fanfare Hayabusa, by the Japanese Satoshi Yagisawa, Indiana Jones Selection, by John Williams with arrangements by Hans van der Heide, and Bon Jovi Rock Remix, arranged by Wolfgang Wossner, are the works to be performed by the Santa Cruz ensemble.

The band Agrupación Musical La Esperanza from La Guancha is immersed in the acts of celebration of its centenary. This Sunday, the ensemble presents Entre el viento y el mar, (Between wind and sea) by the Murcian-born David Beltrán Martínez, winner of the International Composition Competition "Al centenario" organised by the group itself on the occasion of its anniversary. The band conducted by Jesús Agomar González Guillama ends its performance with the symphonic poem Dunkirk by José Alberto Pina.

The Primavera Musical cycle has been organised by the wind bands federation 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música' since 2005 with the support of the Tenerife Island Council. As part of this initiative, the public can listen to the 37 wind bands that form the association in the Auditorio de Tenerife's Chamber Hall with free admission until total capacity is reached.

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'La ciudad de los otros' and 'La mentira complaciente' are the company's proposals for this weekend.


The Auditorio de Tenerife offers this weekend two dance performances by the Colombian company Sankofa Danzafro. The first performance, La ciudad de los otros, takes place on Saturday (13th), while on Sunday (14th) the proposal is La mentira complaciente. Both shows start at 7:30 p.m. and take place in the Symphony Hall.

La ciudad de los otros is a dance proposal whose choreography reflects the reality of a society of inhabitants of different origins and cultures. This show was created in 2010 as part of the commemoration of the slavery abolition in Colombia, thanks to the Mayor's Office of Medellín and the House of Afro-Colombian Integration. It aims to denounce the lack of opportunities for human beings marked by ethnic discrimination and social inequality.

In the show, La mentira complaciente, scheduled for Sunday, Sankofa Danzafro questions the stereotypes regarding Afro-descendant traditions. The work—created in 2019—emphasizes the bodily characteristics of black women and men through exotic costumes and dances. This project aims to defend the meaning of the artistic and spiritual manifestations, insisting on being self-represented in the memory and wisdom of the community.

The Sankofa Afro-Colombian Cultural Corporation, founded by choreographer Rafael Palacios in 1997 in Colombia, is a space devoted to dance training and creation. The African word Sankofa means " back to the roots". More than a word, it is an African philosophy that proposes discovering the past as a condition to understand the present and size up the future. The work of the ensemble is geared towards the pursuit of poetics that stem from the roots of African dance, developed within the framework of the every day, the traditional, and the contemporary, as an option for a social bond, personal growth and the positioning of local cultures in the national dynamic.

Over the years, Sankofa has garnered significant international recognition, including the prestigious National Dance Prize in 2008 and the Anti-Racist Artistic Practices in Latin America award from the University of Manchester—England—in 2021. Notably, the ensemble was also commended by the United Nations for its Good Practices for Afro-Descendant Social Inclusion in Latin America in 2010.

The tickets can be purchased at a single price of €15 on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed, and large families.




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Alexander Shelley is "eager" to conduct Richard Strauss's Symphonic Poems and Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 3


This Friday (12th), at 7:30 p.m., the Sinfónica de Tenerife is tackling a new concert at the Auditorio de Tenerife. Alexander Shelley will conduct the orchestra in a programme that includes the first part of Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No.3, featuring Yeol Eum Son as the soloist. The second part of the evening will include a performance of two symphonic poems by Richard Strauss: Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks and The Knight of the Rose, which provides the title of this twelfth show of the season.

Shelley, who has had the privilege of conducting several memorable performances with the Sinfónica de Tenerife over the years, expresses his joy at returning to this wonderful orchestra on this beautiful island. He eagerly looks forward to sharing the symphonic poems of Richard Strauss and the Piano concerto by Rachmaninoff, in the hands of one of the most exciting soloists at present, with the audience."

The British conductor, who last conducted the Symphony Orchestra two years ago, explained that the programme chosen for this week "will be a pleasure for both the musicians and the audience: brimming with melody, passion, virtuosity and even some delightful musical comedy”.

The evening will begin with Sergei Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto No. 3 in D minor, Op. 30. This score was written and premiered in 1909, but it remained forgotten until 1930, when the Pole Vladimir Horowitz, accompanied by the London Symphony Orchestra, revived it for the general public. One reason it remained neglected was the technical difficulty entailed in performing it.

The concert's second part will begin with the symphonic poem Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks, op. 28, TrV 171, by Richard Strauss. This composition from 1895 is a descriptive exercise of the German legend Till Eulenspiegel, an irreverent trickster present in several titles of the German folklore tradition.

Then, there will be the work performance that provides the programme title, The Knight of the Rose: suite (1945), op. 59, TrV 227d (1910), also by Strauss, depicting a visit to 18th-century Viennese society from the operatic perspective of Mozart and with a light feel. All with the guiding thread that highlights the waltz as the main melody. .

Alexander Shelley has led renowned ensembles such as the Nuremberg Symphony Orchestra, the National Arts Centre Orchestra of Canada, and the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra in London, with which he directs an annual series of concerts at Cadogan Hall and he goes on national and international tours.

In addition to conducting work in the UK and Canada, Alexander was appointed Music and Artistic Director of Artis-Naples in Florida in 2023 and has taken over as Artistic Director of the Naples Philharmonic and the entire multidisciplinary arts centre.

The British conductor studied cello and conducting in Germany and first garnered attention when he was unanimously awarded first place at the 2005 edition of the Leeds Conductors' Competition. Shelley has conducted over 40 global premières, cycles of symphonies by Beethoven, Schumann and Brahms, operas, ballets and innovative multimedia productions.

Yeol Eum Son, who is making her debut on the island, began playing the piano in South Korea when she was just three years old. She stands out for her technical control, poetic elegance and sensibility. Her extensive repertoire notably includes everything from Bach and Mozart to Shchedrin and Kapustin.

Her international influence is on the rise. This is reflected by the concerts she has performed alongside orchestras such as the Berlin Konzerthaus Orchestra, Dresden Philharmonic and Tonkünstler, Orchestre Philharmonique de Radio France, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, BBC Philharmonic at the BBC Proms 2019, BBC Scottish, Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra, Budapest Festival, Helsinki and Bergen Philharmonic, Singapore Symphony, San Diego or the Mariinsky Orchestra, among others.

ATADEM, the Tenerife Association for Friends of Music, will give a talk by Sergio Rodríguez González on the three works of the programme. The event takes place at 6:30 p.m. in the Sala Avenida, located in the hall of the Auditorio de Tenerife.

The tickets for this concert can be purchased until the day of the event on the website, at the auditorium's box office and by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

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The wind bands of San Pedro (El Sauzal), Nuestra Señora de los Remedios (Buenavista) and Nivaria (Arafo) are the protagonists.


The Chamber Hall of the Auditorio de Tenerife hosts this Sunday (7th) at 11:30 a.m. a new concert of the Primavera Musical cycle, featuring the music bands Agrupación Musical San Pedro from El Sauzal, the Municipal Band Nuestra Señora de los Remedios from Buenavista and the Sociedad Filarmónica Nivaria from Arafo. The event is an initiative by the federation 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música' and the collaboration of the Island Council.

The first wind band to play on stage is the Agrupación Musical San Pedro from El Sauzal, created in 1987 and conducted by Francisco Jairo Cabrera Estévez. Three works comprise the repertoire, two by the Dutch composer Jacob de Haan, The Blue Factory and Virginia. The group's third piece is A Disney Spectacular, arranged by English percussionist John Moss.

The municipal band Nuestra Señora de los Remedios from Buenavista is the second ensemble to perform. Founded in 1929, Humberto Martín de Armas directs the group. It has chosen the compositions L'amistat by Ferrer Ferrán, Gigantes y Cabezudos by Manuel Fernández Caballero, and Deep Purple with arrangements by Toshihiko Sahashi.

The ensemble Sociedad Filarmónica Nivaria from Arafo - with more than 150 years of history - closes this Sunday's concert in the Chamber Hall. Conducted by Miguel Ángel Expósito Marrero, the performance begins with the pasodoble Aniversarios, by the Galician composer Simón Couceiro Riveira and El Lugar, by the Valencian Ferrer Ferrán.

The Primavera Musical cycle has been organized by the wind bands federation 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música' since 2005 with the support of the Tenerife Island Council. As part of this initiative, the public can listen to the 37 wind bands that form the association in the Auditorio de Tenerife's Chamber Hall with free admission until total capacity is reached.

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