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This family proposal can be enjoyed this Saturday at 4:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.


The Auditorio de Tenerife is hosting two performances of one of the children's shows by Cantajuego. The company, which specialises in this type of proposal, is presenting ¡Viva mi planeta! Me lo contó un pajarito. (Long live my planet! A little birdie told me about it) this Saturday (23rd) at 4.30 p.m. and 7.00 p.m. in the Symphony Hall.

As part of its 2023-2024 tour, Cantajuego is presenting an original story that transports us to the freedom that is enjoyed by birds and that, with its experience and wisdom, will help the audience and artists to learn great lessons, always with music, dancing, and the humour of characters such as Coco, Pepe and Buby, as well as the cantajuegos (singing and games) themselves.

Based on ¡Viva mi planeta! the series nominated for the Latino Grammy Awards, this new show recreates the stories and songs of the musical fiction, where looking after the planet, work and friendship are some of the key values that are promoted in a musical format for the entire family. In total, more than 80 minutes of music, dance and fun are offered.

Created in 2004, Cantajuego is an educational-music project in an audiovisual format, developed by specialists in psychomotor stimulation and psychological-pedagogical work. Especially targeted at those under the age of 6, it proposes using music and movement to kick-start the imagination and develop a sense of rhythm, voice, movement, body gestures and expressions.

With over 2 million albums sold, 10 million subscribers on YouTube and 600 million views in the last six months, they have been touring continuously with their concerts around all of Spain and Latin America since 2008 and presented over 130 concerts in 2022 alone, Cantajuego has become a benchmark in children's music in recent decades.

The tickets are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. Children who have not reached the age of two on the day of the show will not need to purchase a ticket if they are not going to occupy a seat.

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The show features Blanca Paloma, Spain's representative at the last Eurovision Song Contest.


The Auditorio de Tenerife offers the dance show Acciones sencillas, by the company of Jesús Rubio Gamo. Five dancers perform in this show, accompanied by the voice, music and hand-clapping of three flamenco singers, including Blanca Paloma, Spain's representative at Eurovision 2023. This Friday (22nd) at 7:30 p.m., the Symphony Hall will host the show, which is based on the premise of "the complexity of simplicity" and closes this year's Arts and Movement Festival (FAM) programme. The tickets have a single price of 15 Euros. There are also discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.

Acciones sencillas (Simple Actions) dive into the genesis of dance, a force that makes you want to start dancing and moves all that comes after, helping us to learn those codes and discover how to use them. The show is a co-production with the Centro de Cultura Contemporánea Conde Duque Madrid, GREC Festival of Barcelona and Festival Romaeuropa. It has been nominated for the Best Choreography at the 2021 Critics Awards of Catalonia and the Best Lighting Design at the 2022 Max Awards.

Jesús Rubio Gamo is an independent dancer and choreographer who has been producing his creations since 1982. He studied classical ballet, contemporary dance, theatre and literature at institutions such as the Royal School of Dramatic Art (RESAD), the Mariemma Royal Conservatory of Dance (RCPDM) and the Complutense University of Madrid. He received a MAE AECID Grant (2005-2007) to undertake a Master in Choreography at the London Contemporary Dance School (The Place) which he completed earning a Distinction, and he has undertaken Masters studies in Stage Practice and Visual Culture from the UAH in collaboration with the Reina Sofía National Art Museum.

His works have been shown at festivals such as Chantiers d'Europe, Théâtre de la Ville de Paris; the Festival Brandhaarden, the International Theatre Amsterdam; the Swedish National Dance Network; the Escena Contemporánea (Madrid); Danza a escena (Spanish Theatre Network); the Lima Performing Arts Festival; Les Plateaux (La Briqueterie, Paris); the ARC for Dance (Athens); the Greenwich and Docklands International Festival of London; the Birmingham International Dance Festival; the Hay Festival (Arequipa) and the Festival RomaEuropa.

Jesús Rubio Gamo was selected for two consecutive years (2017 and 2018) by the Aerowaves Dance Network as one of the twenty most outstanding young choreographers on the current European scene. In 2020 Spanish National Radio awarded him the OJO CRÍTICO Award in the dance category. The jury valued "his artisanal approach to choreographic composition, which is evident in intimate projects when it comes to making the work dance, and in the orchestration of large groups in which he manages to combine the structure with the individuality of the performers”.

The tickets are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. FAM has the collaboration of the Dance on Stage and Acieloabierto Circuit, both of the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music of the Spanish Ministry of Culture INAEM.

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The Chamber Hall hosts this programme including works by Bach, Beethoven, Haydn, and Alkan.


The pianist Schaghajegh Nosrati features a piano concert next Tuesday (19th) at 7:30 p.m. in the Chamber Hall of the Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín. The programme will contain works by Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750), Ludwig van Beethoven (1770-1827), Joseph Haydn (1732-1809), and Charles-Valentin Alkan (1813-1888).

The concert will begin with Bach's Chromatic Fantasy and Fugue in D minor, BWV 903, and continue with the Sonata in D major, op. 28 Pastoral by Beethoven. This will be followed by the Fantasia in C major, Hob. XVII:4 Capriccio, by Haydn, to end the concert with the four movements of the Symphony for solo piano, op. 39 n. 4-7 by Alkan.

Nosrati has performed for years as a guest soloist at international festivals. Since October 2015, she has taught at the Hannover University of Music, Drama and Media. Born in Bochum (Germany), Nosrati is known as an extremely versatile musician. It was her excellent reputation as a performer of Bach's music that enabled her to establish herself as a concert pianist in her early years.

Her international launch took place in 2014 as the winner of the Bach International Music Competition in Leipzig and, in particular, through her growing musical collaboration with with the renowned Hungarian pianist András Schiff, who praised the "surprising clarity, purity, and maturity" of her musical understanding when performing Bach.

In 2015 she recorded her first album with Genuin Classics, with the titel J. S. Bach: The Art of Fugue. Her second album, launched in autumn 2017 with Genuin Classics and the Deutsches Kammerorchester Berlin, is a recording of the Bach piano concertos BMV 1052-1054.

The tickets can be purchased at a single price of €15 on the website, at the auditorium's box office, or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed, and large families.

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El espectáculo, una fiel adaptación de la popular película, se estrena en la isla con  Christian Sánchez y Ana Dachs como protagonistas


El Cabildo de Tenerife presenta las siete funciones de Ghost, el musical, que llega por primera vez a la isla del 4 al 7 de enero al Auditorio de Tenerife. Los detalles fueron dados por José Carlos Acha, consejero de Cultura del Cabildo de Tenerife; Christian Sánchez, quien interpreta el papel de Sam; Ana Dachs, en el papel de Molly, y Carlos Alexandre, jefe de espectáculos de Letsgo.

José Carlos Acha destacó “este magnífico drama sentimental con escenas sorprendentes, como los efectos especiales de la película, que en cine puede ser sencillo, pero en teatro tiene mucho mérito”. En cuanto al elenco, comentó que “el musical es una disciplina muy completa que requiere que los intérpretes sean prácticamente atletas para poder cantar, bailar y actuar de la forma en que lo hacen”. El consejero también se refirió a la productora que trae este espectáculo, Letsgo, “que lleva a sus espaldas una gran trayectoria con decenas de producciones sobre los escenarios”.

Carlos Alexandre, jefe de espectáculos de Letsgo, reconoció que “nos encanta venir a Tenerife y sobre todo en esta época navideña”. “Siempre intentamos que nuestras giras pasen por el Auditorio de Tenerife, un espacio precioso y emblemático”, comentó el gestor cultural, quien incidió en que “con Ghost hemos sumado medio millón de espectadores con 800 funciones y hemos ido a 30 ciudades, siendo Santa Cruz de Tenerife la número 31”. Asimismo, recordó que “este musical es una adaptación hecha por el mismo autor de la película, siendo muy fiel a la trama original”.

La actriz y cantante Ana Dachs, quien dará vida a Molly en el musical, aseguró que “este espectáculo tiene todo lo que es necesario para emocionarse, con lo que el público suele salir más que satisfecho”. Reconoció que las funciones “requieren de un esfuerzo mental y físico titánico, que es recompensado por el cariño del público”, una conexión que para ella es fundamental. “Estoy deseando compartir todo esto con el público de Tenerife”.

Christian Sánchez, que interpretará el papel de Sam, compartió la responsabilidad que siente “por interpretar a un personaje tan conocido y querido por el público”. “Es importante para nosotros ser fieles a estos personajes que ya existen y conseguir que la gente salga emocionada de la sala”, añadió Sánchez. “Aunque hay canciones que se hicieron para el musical, el público sale con la sensación de haber vivido la película compelta”. El actor destacó “la importancia de la compenetración que tiene el equipo en los momentos de los efectos especiales que consiguen hacer la magia”.

Ghost es un relato de amor eterno protagonizado por Sam y Molly, una pareja de enamorados que ve truncada su felicidad cuando él es asesinado por un ladrón. El espíritu de Sam se resistirá a abandonar el mundo de los vivos y a su gran amor. La necesidad de salvar la vida de Molly hace que él permanezca en forma de fantasma para advertirle del peligro que corre. Su único medio de contacto es una peculiar vidente con la que puede comunicarse.

El espectáculo, que recibió el Premio Broadway World Spain 2020 al Mejor Musical, es una producción original dirigida por Federico Bellone, director artístico de espectáculos de reconocida trayectoria internacional entre los que destacan El fantasma de la ópera, Mary Poppins, de Disney y Cameron Mackintosh, de éxito rotundo en Italia, Dirty Dancing y el musical Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate

Tras su exitosa estancia durante dos temporadas en la Gran Vía madrileña y gira por la geografía española, Ghost, el musical llega a Santa Cruz de Tenerife con un espectáculo cuenta con un elenco formado por 17 artistas, encabezados por Christian Sánchez y Ana Dachs. Alberto Collado interpretará a Carl, y Juls Sosa a la enigmática Oda Mae. Joan Mas es el delincuente Willy López. Oscar Albert es el fantasma del metro y Joaquín Olivan es el fantasma del hospital. Esther Santaella y Belén Marcos son las hermanas de Oda Mae. Y la inocente Sra. Santiago es Maria Moreno.

Un total de 41 escenas recrean la película con una puesta en escena espectacular. De la mano del ilusionista Paolo Carta, responsable de los efectos especiales del musical Mary Poppins de gran éxito en Italia, el espectáculo incluirá impactantes efectos especiales que permitirán recrear memorables escenas del filme; como la escena en la que el fantasma atraviesa el cuerpo de Oda Mae o las míticas de Sam atravesando paredes. 

Bajo la dirección musical de Carlos Arriezu, el espectador se sumergirá en el pop-rock de los años 90, sin olvidar la icónica Unchained Melody. Las coreografías están dirigidas por Chiara Vecchi, la adaptación de guion y letras es obra de Silvia Montesinos, el diseñador del vestuario es Felype de Lima, la caracterización es de Olaya Brandón y el diseño de luces de Valerio Tiberi. Las luces de la obra recrearán la nostalgia del Nueva York de hace veinte años y acompañarán al espectador a sumergirse en esta inigualable historia. 

El espectáculo es una producción de Letsgo, productora y promotora, dirigida por Iñaki Fernández y responsable de shows como El fantasma de la ópera, School of Rock, la saga The Hole, Dirty Dancing, La familia Addams, El jovencito Frankenstein, Kinky Boots, Charlie y la fábrica de chocolate, o eventos como Naturaleza Encendida o la exposición inmersiva Tim Burton: el laberinto. En septiembre de 2020, la productora recibió el galardón ‘Innovación y sostenibilidad’ que otorga el Ayuntamiento de Madrid con motivo del Día Mundial del Turismo. 

La película fue escrita por Bruce Joel Rubin, ganador de un Oscar por el guion de la película, y protagonizada por Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore y Whoopi Goldberg. Adaptada al teatro por el propio Bruce Joel Rubin, el espectáculo llegó a España en formato musical en 2019 tras su estreno en Londres y Broadway. Con música y letras de Glen Ballard y Dave Stewart, compositor este último de la banda británica Eurythmics.

Las entradas para las funciones en el Auditorio de Tenerife se pueden adquirir en la página web, en la taquilla de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas y sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 horas y de forma telefónica llamando al 902 317 327 en el mismo horario.

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This show by the Navarrese dance company Led Silhouette will take place this Saturday and aims to inspire a sense of resilience


The Auditorio de Tenerife programmes for this Saturday (16th) at 7.30 p.m. the dance performance Los Perros by the Navarrese company Led Shilouette and the Valencian choreographer and National Dance Prize winner Marcos Morau. The tickets for this show, part of the Moving Arts Festival FAM, can be purchased for 8 euros, with special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed and large families.

The Symphony Hall stage of Auditorio de Tenerife will host this performance. The audience will also be seated on the stage for this event. Jon López and Martxel Rodríguez, members of Led Silhouette, are the performers who star in this stage proposal in which, as children of their time, those born in the digital era, are facing an unstable and turbulent setting that confronts them with a process of dehumanisation and isolation, for which the most successful solution seems to be individual armour.

The show unfolds on the premise that the contemporary era obliterates fragile bodies, it disposes of the misfits who struggle between the option of rebellion or docility. In that contradiction, the need arises for others, understanding, empathy, compassion, and love as an urgent resource.

Therefore, Los perros (The dogs) proposes reaching a state of resistance: like dogs that wander, dogs that encounter one another, that recognise one another as being vulnerable, that share joy, but also pain, that fall and get back up, that dance, that rebel through love, generosity, and commitment, to find the meaning of their own lives in that shared journey, to overcome violence and adversity together.

Mornau and the performers present a proposal that travels from the trance of repetition to the fascination of the succession of images. The display of a passionate dance finds its purest meaning in repetition and catharsis: dancing to the point of exhaustion, barking to the point of weariness, living to the point of fatigue. It is, in short, the story of a man who views himself in the other to find himself.

The tickets are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 05:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. The rest of the FAM programme is available at This festival has the collaboration of the Dance on Stage and Acieloabierto Circuit, both of the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music of the Spanish Ministry of Culture INAEM.

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Daniel García heads this project that delves into the essential elements of Renaissance music. 


The Auditorio de Tenerife offers this Friday (14th), at 7:30 p.m., at the Chamber Hall the concert Beata Viscera, by Daniel García Trío, led by one of the most versatile and active jazz musicians of his generation, and the vocal quintet Vandalia, known for their historically informed vocal performances.

Throughout its history, jazz has been characterised by its harmonic freedom and improvisational genius. In turn, early music (from the Ars Antiqua up to the Renaissance, from Perotin to Gesualdo) found its most expressive language in dissonance and chromaticism.

Beata viscera is not a typical blend of styles from such different periods as jazz and Renaissance music, but rather, it delves into the essential elements of both: the modality, the colour, the creativity, the amazement, spirituality, and corpulence of this world, that, although entrenched in the 21st century, is still shaken by the same passions, interests, and doubts that moved the start of the Modern Era.

This project is led by the pianist, composer and producer Daniel García, who undertook academic training in Spain and Berklee and gained experience on the main jazz stages in Europe. He is accompanied in this trio by the two virtuosos Pablo Martín Caminero on bass and Borja Barrueta on percussion. In addition, the line-up is completed by the Andalusian polyphony group Vandalia, a benchmark of historically informed vocal performance in our country, made up of the soprano Rocío de Frutos, the countertenors Gabriel Díaz and Jorge Enrique García, the tenor Andrés Miravete and the bass Javier Cuevas.

The tickets can be purchased at a single price of €15 on the website, at the auditorium's box office, or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Check the special discounts for the audience under 30 years of age, students, unemployed, and large families.

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The Murcia company UpArte is bringing its show ‘Desprovisto’ to La Laguna, Arona and Adeje, and Delirium offers its 'Panza de burro' in Los Realejos


The performing arts programme Oye toca ver is ending the year this weekend with a contemporary circus show for all audiences. It is Desprovisto, by the Murcia company UpArte. The performances will take place on Friday (15th) at the auditorium of the University of La Laguna at 8:30 p.m., on Saturday (16th) at the Auditorio Infanta Leonor in Los Cristianos (Arona) at 8:00 p.m. and on Sunday (17th) at the Auditorium of Adeje at 8:00 p.m. The offer is completed with a new staging of Delirium's latest work, Panza de burro (Blanket of Cloud), which can be seen at the Cultural Centre in Los Realejos on Friday, starting at 8:30 p.m.

Desprovisto stands out for a high technical level of acrobatics, six performers without characters and a leitmotif that drives the work, but which it is not essential to know to enjoy the show. This new proposal undertakes a quest for balance between risk, rhythm, aesthetics and humour. The underlying concept of the work, going from rigidity to flexibility, can be appreciated in the elements used on stage and in the body line, incorporating contemporary dance into the company’s work.

This contemporary circus work for all audiences wants to touch the spectator with both form and substance, through artists who will distance themselves from a depersonalised mass, to transform into a group of individuals, where acrobatics and human towers are guaranteed. In May, the show received the Emilio Zapatero Award for Best Circus Show at the Festival of Theatre and Street Arts (TAC) of Valladolid.

UpArte is a contemporary circus company formed in Murcia at the end of 2012 that has amassed over 250 performances. Its background includes the shows Todo encaja (2015) and Áureo (2018), as well as gala performances. Its shows have toured around most of Spain and abroad (France, Italy, England, Morocco). The company’s trademark is refined high-level acrobatic technique which makes its shows a unique, striking and visual stage event and manages to connect the spectator naturally and, in turn, leave them breathless.

On Friday (15TH) at 8.30 p.m., the cultural centre Casa de la Cultura will host a new performance of Panza de burro (Sea Cloud), the latest project by the Tenerife company Delirium, which details the world of two 10-year-old friends in a neighbourhood of northern Tenerife in a stark and funny way. Shit and Isora live under the protection of the female world of grandmothers. Shit idolises and blindly follows Isora, who is an orphan and suffers from an eating disorder. Both spend summer between boredom, looking for someone to take them to the beach and trying to satisfy and understand the nascent sexual desire that constantly shakes and attacks them, inland, confined under the disappointment of a melancholic sea cloud.

The performing arts programme Oye toca ver is organised by the Island Council of Tenerife with the councils of Adeje, Arona, Candelaria, el Sauzal, Guía de Isora, Los Realejos, Tacoronte, and the University of La Laguna. It consists of 41 performances by thirteen companies and ends next Sunday with the performance of UpArte at the auditorium of Adeje.

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The event this Friday is conducted by Tabita Berglund and features pianist Martín García García as guest soloist


The Tenerife Symphony Orchestra has sold all tickets for the concert it is offering this Friday (15th) at the Auditorio de Tenerife as part of a new event by the orchestra in its season subscription which includes works by Tchaikovsky and Chopin and which has been named The Nutcracker. The Norwegian conductor Tabita Berglund is once again leading the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra to conduct this programme which also notably features the Asturian pianist Martín García García as soloist. The concert will start at 7:30 p.m.

The Nutcracker, suite 1, op. 71A, TH 35 by Piotr Ilich Tchaikovsky will open the evening of music. It is a score created in 1892 and based on a fairy tale that appeals to audiences of all ages. The ballet recounts how a series of toys come to life during Christmas Eve, and practically from the time it premiered, it became one of the Russian composer's most popular scores.

Then, there will be a performance of Piano Concerto No. 2 in F minor by Frédéric Chopin from 1830 which follows in the wake of the concertos of Johann Nepomuk Hummel, who was in turn influenced by those of Mozart. The piece, with a deep nationalist impact, has lyrical writing, richly adorned, in which the piano -played on this occasion by Martín García García- gets all the attention, while the orchestra contributes the main musical materials, adding timbric colour and sound support.

After the interlude, the Tenerife Symphony Orchestra will once again perform Tchaikovsky, this time with his Symphony No. 5 in E minor, Op. 64, TH 29, composed in 1888 in which he evokes his internal battles through destiny as an inspiring concept. This cyclical work, which is completely autobiographical, underwent several corrections and rewrites during his creative process, deriving from his emotional state.

Tabita Berglund has established herself as one of the brightest hopes on the European scene and has been recognised as the most influential young composer of her generation; her style has been described as suggestive, charismatic, and sharp. Within the symphonic realm, her debuts with the Dallas Symphony Orchestra, the Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Berner Symphonieorchester, Orchestre National de Lyon, Philharmonia Orchestra, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, BBC Scottish Symphony Orchestra, Dresdner Philharmonie, Düsseldorfer Symphoniker, Musikkollegium Winterthur and the Grafenegg Festival, stand out, where she featured alongside the Tonkünstler-Orchester Niederösterreich.

On an opera level, her presence leading the Philharmonia Orchestra stands out, making her debut at the Girlington Opera conducting The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart. This season also notably features her intervention as the principal guest conductor of the Kristiansand Symphony Orchestra and her commitments with the Trondheim Symfoniorkester and the Tampere Philharmonic Orchestra, among others.

Berglund has appeared alongside the leading orchestras on both sides of the Atlantic such as the Detroit Symphony Orchestra, the Philharmonic Orchestra of Bergen, the Royal Stockholm Philharmonic Orchestra and the Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, the Luzerner Symphonieorchester, the Sinfonieorchester Wuppertal, the Orquestra Simfònica de Barcelona i Nacional de Catalunya, the Hallé, the Royal Scottish National Orchestra and the Tapiola Sinfonietta.

Aged just 26, Martín García García is considered one of the most internationally renowned pianists. He performed around 80 concerts all over the world in 2023 alone, making his debut in Korea, Mexico and Brazil. He has also visited Japan, the United States, Canada, Poland, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, Lithuania, Portugal and Luxembourg, giving outstanding recitals and performing alongside prestigious orchestras such as the NHK Symphony Orchestra, the Seoul Philarmonic Orchestra, the Hamburg Symphoniker, the Warsaw Philarmonic Orchestra, the Lithuanian National Symphony Orchestra and the Orquesta de Brasilia.

García visited the Carnegie Hall in New York and Japan in 2022, on a tour of 14 performances in which he amassed 25,000 spectators. A year earlier, in 2021, he was awarded first place at the "Cleveland International Piano Competition" and third place at the "2021 International Chopin Piano Competition".

Leandro Martín Quinteros, from the Tenerife Association for Friends of Music (Atadem), will give a talk on the three works to be heard at the concert. The event will start at 6:30 p.m. in the Sala Avenida, located in the hall of the Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín.

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Los dos cantantes protagonistas debutan este sábado en Tenerife con esta versión concierto del conocido título de Camille Saint-Saëns


Ópera de Tenerife despide el año este sábado (día 9) a las 19:30 horas en la Sala Sinfónica con la versión concierto de Samson et Dalila, de Camille Saint-Saëns. El poder de él y la seducción de ella se toman el pulso en esta ópera francesa del siglo XIX que se basa en el conocido relato del Antiguo Testamento. Los cantantes que asumen los roles protagonistas de este espectáculo -el tenor Ivan Gyngazov como Samson y la mezzosoprano Yulia Matochkina como Dalila- debutan con este título en la programación lírica del Auditorio de Tenerife.

El elenco de solistas se completa con el barítono Andrii Kymach como Sumo sacerdote, el bajo Toni Marsol como Abimélech, el tenor César Arrieta como Primer filisteo, el bajo Pablo Gálvez como Segundo filisteo, el bajo Simón Orfila como Viejo hebreo y el tenor Mario Méndez en el rol de Mensajero filisteo.

El director musical de esta propuesta, José Miguel Pérez Sierra, estará al frente de la Sinfónica de Tenerife, que contará con 71 músicos para la ocasión, y del Coro Ópera de Tenerife-Intermezzo que, bajo la dirección de Andrés Juncos, estará constituido por 48 coralistas.

La obra se desarrolla en el año 1150 antes de Cristo y se basa en varios textos bíblicos, principalmente, los capítulos 13 al 16 del Libro de los Jueces. Narra la historia de uno de los jueces antiguos más destacados del pueblo, Samson, dotado de una fuerza descomunal que le permite vencer a los filisteos sin esfuerzo. No obstante, esa fuerza concedida por la divinidad va acompañada de la advertencia sobre la permanencia de su condición humana. Su fortaleza reside en su larga cabellera: debe cuidarla para conservarla.

En el texto religioso, el joven pierde su fuerza en manos de Dalila, una joven filistea que lo seduce y despierta su pasión carnal. Traicionado y debilitado, Samson es apresado y esclavizado por los filisteos. En su lamento, implora a su señor por su fuerza sobrenatural y ofrece su vida en sacrificio. En un último impulso, derriba las columnas del templo y queda sepultado bajo sus ruinas, junto a Dalila y sus enemigos.

Saint-Saëns y su libretista, Ferdinand Lemaire, no se plantearon ser estrictamente fieles al relato bíblico y, así, para dotar de más dramatismo a la obra, se centraron en el sufrimiento de Samson, atormentado entre su obligación de obedecer a su pueblo y la pasión culpable que siente por Dalila, a quien, a su vez, presentan como una sacerdotisa que odia al hebreo por vencer a su pueblo.

Esta ópera es considerada la obra maestra de Saint-Saëns, quien es reconocido especialmente por su excepcional papel en la renovación de la música francesa, una labor que desempeñó gracias a su faceta como maestro y, especialmente, por su impulso de la música nueva, al participar en la fundación de la Société Nationale de Musique. Para los historiadores, fue un eslabón esencial en la renovación del lenguaje musical, que dio paso a Debussy y Ravel.

Saint-Saëns, compositor de la suite humorística Le Carnaval des animaux (El carnaval de los animales), fue un intelectual multifacético. Desde pequeño se dedicó al estudio de la geología, la arqueología, la botánica y la entomología. Fue también un excelente matemático. Además de la actividad musical como compositor, intérprete y crítico, escribió artículos sobre acústica, ciencias ocultas, escenografía teatral en la Roma Antigua e instrumentos antiguos. Fue miembro de la Sociedad Astronómica de Francia. Escribió una obra filosófica, un volumen de poesía y una comedia. Su vida está repleta de viajes por Europa, Asia y África, y visitó Estados Unidos varias veces.

Las entradas se pueden adquirir en la página web, en la taquilla de lunes a viernes de 10:00 a 17:00 horas y sábados de 10:00 a 14:00 horas y de forma telefónica llamando al 902 317 327 en el mismo horario.

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In addition to the Catalan troupe Cal Teatre with 'Mentira cochina', La Rous ends its island tour with two further performances of 'Vacío'.


The performing arts programme Oye toca ver is offering this weekend two shows of the play Mentira cochina (Dirty Lie), by the company Cal Teatre, in Tacoronte and Los Realejos. In addition, the island tour of the Andalusian group La Rous comes to an end with the last two performances of their tender show entitled Vacío (Voids) in El Sauzal and Adeje.

The first of the performances of Mentira cochina, in which two actors and several puppets reflect on lies, takes place on Thursday (7th) at 6.00 pm at the Teatro Capitol in Tacoronte, and the second performance will be on Friday (8) at 8.00 pm at the Casa de la Cultura in Los Realejos.

The show is based on the assumption that everyone has lied at some point, be it at school, on the street, at home, at football or playing Pachisi, on television or the internet. Mentira cochina (Dirty Lie), a reflection on lies and truth, is based on the story of a boy who rejects his reality. Two architects, experts in designing lies, help him to create a new identity. Will the lie hold up?

Mentira cochina is recommended for audiences aged six and over and lasts about 50 minutes. The play, directed and dramatised by Dora Cantero, will be performed by Jordi Font and Carlos Gallardo. The latter is also in charge of the stage and the puppets that will appear.

The Andalusian theatre company La Rous ends its tour with four performances of the show Vacío (Voids) this Friday (8th) at 8:00 p.m. in the Teatro el Sauzal and on Sunday (10th) at the same time in the new Auditorio of Adeje. Vacío (Voids), in which only an actress, a puppet and many objects can be seen on stage, lasts around 70 minutes and is recommended for audiences aged 10 and over.

The play portrays an eighteen-year journey with two parallel stories. The first story is about a girl who is born into the world, and the second story is about her mother who welcomes her with unconditional love. Both stories show different stages of the journey, filled with unanswered questions, emotional moments, landscapes, and voids. La Rous will perform on Sunday (3rd) at 8:00 p.m. at the Casa de la Cultura in Los Realejos and will continue next week in El Sauzal (8th) and Adeje (10th), also with the same starting time.

This show, which spans across generations, won the National Award for the Performing Arts for Children and Youth in 2011. It is directed by Joan Front and Rosa Díaz, who is also the dramaturge and actress on stage, alongside Dávide Scatá. Dávide is responsible for the main puppet and other objects that interact with the performers during the show.

The performing arts programme Oye toca ver is organised by the Island Council of Tenerife with the councils of Adeje, Arona, Candelaria, el Sauzal, Guía de Isora, Los Realejos, Tacoronte, and the University of La Laguna. It consists of 41 performances by thirteen companies and ends on 17 December.

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Organised by the Tenerife Band Federation, the concerts take place on Saturday and Sunday


This weekend, the Auditorio de Tenerife Adán Martín will host the 15th Meeting of Youth Wind Bands "XV Encuentro de Bandas de Música de Tenerife". The concerts take place in four morning and afternoon sessions, both on Saturday (9th) and Sunday (10th) in the Chamber Hall, with free admission until full capacity is reached.

The performances, organised by the band federation 'Federación Tinerfeña de Bandas de Música', start on Saturday at 11.30 a.m. with the following wind bands: Agrupación Cultural y Musical Princesa Yaiza (El Rosario), directed by Taida María Gil Conde; San José de la Agrupación Musical XIX de Marzo (San Juan de la Rambla) with Damián González García at the baton and the Banda de Iniciación José Mesa Cabrera of the Agrupación Musical Cruz Santa (Los Realejos) with Moisés Real Hernández on the podium.

The evening session begins at 6:00 p.m., featuring the Agrupación Cultural San Sebastián de Tejina (La Laguna), under the direction of Taida María Gil Conde, Banda Alejandro Poleo López and Escuela Comarcal de Música Daute-Isla Baja, led by Víctor Manuel Pérez de León, Agrupación Musical Educando José León Medrano (Puerto de Cruz), conducted by Alexis Lorenzo Pérez, and Las Candelas (Candelaria), under the baton of Aitor Acosta Llanos.

On Sunday at 11:30 a.m., is the turn of the Instrumental Group of the Espacio de Formación Artística de Garachico, led by José Eduardo Morales Meneses, the Band of the Academia San Marcos Evangelista (Tegueste), conducted by Alejandro Suárez Hernández, and the band La Candelaria (Arafo), led by Adrián Jesús Castellano de la Rosa.

The last concerts begin at 6:00 p.m., performed by the band of Buenavista del Norte Music Academy, with Cristo Rubens Delgado Bautista at the baton, the band of the Patronato de Música Nuestra Señora de Lourdes de Valle de Guerra, conducted by Javier Pérez Hernández, the Municipal School of La Guancha, led by Emilio José Falcón Gil, and the Sociedad Filarmónica Nivaria (Arafo), conducted by Juan Antonio Herrera Mesa. The complete programme, with the repertoire to be performed by each youth group, can be seen on the website

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The Taiwanese dance group Cloud Gate and the Spanish ensemble of Jesús Rubio Gamo will close a month of dance that opens with Led Silhouette.


The Auditorio de Tenerife offers three dance shows in December, two of them in large format: 13 Tongues by the company Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan, which will have two performances on the 20th and 21st of December. Acciones sencillas (Simple actions), a proposal by Jesús Rubio Gamo, takes place on the 22nd. The Moving Arts Festival FAM offers tickets for these three shows at 15 euros each, with special discounts available for those under 30, students, unemployed individuals, and large families.

13 Tongues, created by the choreographer and artistic director of the Taiwanese company, Cheng Tsung-Lung, is based on his memories of his mother's stories about a popular storyteller who is said to have fascinating abilities. This show is an immersive experience of bright colours, shapes and images. During the performance, the dancers depict the vibrant life and culture of Taipei's oldest neighbourhood, home to the ensemble's director. They dance to a mix of Taiwanese folk songs, Taoist chants, and electronic music. 13 Tongues is currently touring Spain thanks to the support of the Ministry of Culture R.O.C. (Taiwan) and the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office in Spain

On the other hand, the Madrid-based dancer and choreographer Jesús Rubio Gamo develops his work under the premise of the complexity of simplicity. Five flamenco dancers and three flamenco singers perform in Acciones sencillas, including Blanca Paloma, Spain's representative at Eurovision 2023. It is a co-production with the Conde Duque Contemporary Culture Center Madrid, the GREC Festival of Barcelona and the Festival Romaeuropa. The piece was nominated for Best Choreography at the 2021 Critics’ Awards of Catalonia.

On December 16th at 7:30 p.m., the Symphony Hall stage will host "Los Perros" (The Dogs), a performance by Led Silhouette and Marcos Morau. The audience will also be seated on the stage for this event. "Los Perros" aims to inspire a sense of resilience to discover the purpose of our lives and to overcome violence and adversity together.

The tickets are available on the website, at the auditorium's box office or by dialling the phone number 902 317 327 from Monday to Friday from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. The details of the FAM programme are available at FAM has the collaboration of the Dance on Stage and Acieloabierto Circuit, both of the National Institute of Performing Arts and Music of the Spanish Ministry of Culture INAEM.

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